Nova or ND5XS2 with one of the cheaper Naits

My mate’s wife was so impressed by my Atom that she’s told him he can have a new hi-fi providing it’s as compact and good looking as the Atom. As they have a much larger lounge than me I suggested a Nova, but a dealer has suggested he consider an ND5XS2 paired with either a Nait 5si or a Nait XS3. Prices are broadly similar.
What does the forum think?
Future upgrading is not an issue because a) he won’t be interested and b) she wouldn’t allow it anyway!

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If he wouldn’t be upgrading and it was the wife who loved the Atom it might well be best for her to decide for the sake of marital harmony!

She may be the keener audiophile of the two.

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I’d be practical. She liked the uniti atom. The uniti nova “just a bit more than the one you loved darling” flies.
And no I don’t know about sq difference, but neither will they, and I’d ignorantly suggest the word “marginal” might apply.


I’m a huge fan of the ND5XS2, but…

The system suggested by the dealer is almost certainly too “Hi-Fi separates” for the aesthetic pleasure of your pal’s wife.

The smart call here is to go with the Nova on those grounds alone.


In my experience, it takes ND5XS2 plus 82 (or 282) plus Hicap plus 250 to be immediately and obviously better than a Nova. Perhaps ND5XS2 plus Supernova 3 plus Hicap would do it too?

A Nova is very capable, and (unlike anything built on the ND5XS2) has a screen and a funky volume knob and comes in 1 box with 1 plug.

Otoh, we planned on getting a Nova for Tasmania. After comparing, we got s/h ND5XS2/82/HC/250…


Given the circumstances, the very capable Nova would fit the bill better. The marginal gain in sound quality, if any, wouldn’t really be worth the extra hassle and marital tension! A Nova with a decent pair of speakers would be my choice in this scenario!


I’d be going Nova, it’s takes a SN2/3 and NDX2 to beat it, and even then it’s not a big step up in my experience. The Nova is a perfect and elegant one box solution really.


I love the subtle look of the nd5xs2 but it not the same style as the atom. if the wife loved the atom the nova would be the safe choice as long as it’s paired with speakers that suit it, they could still have a brilliant system.

Choice of speakers should be an integral part of this decision. They need to match the room, and the amp needs to be powerful enough to drive them.
A sensitive pair of speakers used at moderate volumes could be fine with an Atom or a Nait 5si. Place more demand on these and a Nova or a Supernait will give much better results.

Absolutely. My girlfriend’s Nova works really well with the tiny but mighty Neat Iota Alphas. But, in a really big room (or one with a shag-pile carpet) maybe not.

There’s still no replacement for on-site audition.


Active speakers and a streaming pre would meet the requirement!

Depends whether your friend fancies the challenge of proposing an upgrade in the future. If that were the case ND5XS and amp gives that flexibility, but Nova could well be all the hifi you’d ever need.

Good luck!


I suggest the mate and wife both go to a dealer together, look and listen to an Atom, Star and Nova against the ND5XS2 and an entry-level Nait. After doing this they can decide which option works best for them.


@paulbysea +1 except that I would like to see whatever piece of Naim Uniti against a ND5XS2 and Nait XS3.

The really important thing is that they make a joint decision on what they like, as Paul suggested.

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Atom HE and a poweramp like the Nap 250

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Thank you everyone for your comments. I reckon they’ll end up plumping for an Atom, like mine.


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