Nova/ scm7s

Now using the above which I’m absolutely loving, also streaming with Qobuz a vast improvement over Spotify, I find the Nova drives the scm7s well, but is there more to extract from the speakers by possibly adding a ex dem Nap 250 ? Rest is NacA5 and Blue Jeans cat6a which is on it’s way, thank you

Try doing a search for Nova with 250 and you’ll find dozens of posts, possibly hundreds.

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Tha SCM 7 is bottom of the ATC range and is a very small speaker, and inherently limiting. I can’t advise on differences between bare Nova and with NAP250, but whilst a better power amp might do a little more with them, in my view more benefit would be likely If you improved speakers.

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Because of my listening set up more expensive speakers would be going to waste what’ I should’ have mentioned would a nap 250 Help the speakers sing at lower volume as I find the 7s need cranking up, just that bit to make them sing. Still great speakers though

I see what you mean :joy::joy::joy:

Could you describe your listening setup and why, for example, you’d be unable to accommodate speakers like SCM11s.

Also were you proposing to biamp the speakers or just use 250 as sole power amp with preamp out from the Nova? And which version of the 250?


I have a distance of 8 to 9 ft away with a wall behind me , I had both on home demo , the 7s sounded better for my environment, but they do need to be cranked up a bit, This is where I thought the nap 250 would shine to listening to lower levels

I think to answer that you’ll need someone who has compared Nova and 250 with those particular speakers.

What sort of decibel level are you trying to play at?

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