Nova with Monoblocks?

I think that the pre-out was added to give a Nova owner somewhere to go w.r.t. an upgrade without needing to trade in the whole unit straight away.

My personal view? While I have tried fronting expensive speakers with a super-capable but relatively inexpensive front end of source and amp, it has never been a satisfactory pairing for me compared to what could be assembled with similar overall budget (or even much less) where much greater proportion of funds were put towards source and then amp.

Slight detour: I am reminded of a trip I took to visit a prospective new dealer in the Netherlands. They had been trying out the CDX2, NAC202, and NAP200. When I arrived they had this set up in the main dem room with a pair of B&W 801s! On the face of it I guess it made a big room-filling sound and they seemed reasonably happy with it. However, I felt it was very messy, and the bass in particular was all over the place. Knowing the 801s a bit, I knew that they could do so much better and really needed a better source and amp to pull themselves together, but as the CDX2/202/200 were all we had there I noticed a pair of inexpensive little Linn Katans in the shop and so I suggested we try them instead of the 801s. Now, I’m not a huge fan of the Katans but they’re Ok and I did at least know that the system would be able to control them and drive them satisfactorily. On first play, the most noticeable initial difference was a much smaller sound, more forward, tonally a bit “greyer”, however, the music’s timing was back, the groove and the music just started to make sense in away that was just completely lost on the 801s with the same kit. A much more satisfying system.

Anyway, I digress somewhat. If you asked me what did I think of your Arts and Nova pairing? I’ve heard big ARTs and also the Nova, although never together, and I guess if you’re happy with it then that’s really what matters. However, it would be remiss of me not to point out that such a pairing would probably not be my recommendation for long term satisfaction. But what do I know? It might be incredible and be the exception to the rule…

A general observation: Anybody posting on a forum seeking advice on how to improve their hifi system will receive all sorts of opinion on this. They may not like or agree with all of those opinions, but that’s the nature of these things. These opinions may well be critical of the kit or the setup but are nothing personal (or at least shouldn’t be). They are just experienced members trying their best to help out. It’s always good to keep that foremost in one’s mind.


When you post a question here you will get a range of answers based upon experience, knowledge and preferences. You might find some answers match your own preferences and some do not. In all cases, the responders have spent time to address your question.


That’s fair enough Peter. I am an old user of this forum myself, having taken a long break.
I just found some of the comments not very thoughtful or informed. Perhaps my retaliation wasn’t that informed either, but I personally never chastise someone else’s system, especially if I don’t know them or are on one on one talking terms.

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Naim themselves are not averse to a bit of mullet. I was in the factory dem room around the time of the new Unitis’ launch. They had a pair of Focal speakers set up - can’t remember the model but we were told they cost £6000. They were used to demonstrate an Atom and then a Nova. The Atom sounded good and certainly not obviously compromised but the Nova was a clear step forward and sounded excellent to me with no sense of strain at high volume or with bass heavy music.
The Nova was then replaced by 252/sc/250. Did it sound better? Yes but not better enough to my ears to justify the extra cost. I actually sat there at the time and thought about how much I would be willing to pay for that much improvement and came up with the figure of £1000 - much less than the difference in cost.
Some people will be willing to pay a lot for relatively marginal gains and that’s fine - I used to have 8 boxes - but lesser systems can be hugely enjoyable and I can quite believe that OP enjoys his Nova playing into the ARTs.


It’s not an exact answer to your question, but whilst my NDX2 was away for repair I ran my Star through a 252/250 and that performed perfectly well driving Totem Forest Signatures. If you want mono blocks, that obviously rules out the 250, but in theory it should work. Personally I’d stay with Naim amplification for synergy, or look at the Heed Audio Thesis mono-blocks as they are sonically close to Naim and have a similar design typology.

And to add, the Forest speakers were originally on the Nova that I have in a second system. That worked nicely, but both a 252/250 and 552/300 get a lot more out of them, as you will know having been at the 500 level. If I was downsizing, I’d be looking at the Nova and Forests with a sub, or adding a power amp in a bi-amp configuration with the Nova (I don’t think this is an option with your speakers as they have single connections?).


Thanks Richard, I hear you.
Loved the story on the 801’s. I suppose my musical journey has taken me full circle. I started back in 2012 with the Supernait, having gone all the way up to the 500/552/NDS with the ART’s. It was no Statement, but I enjoyed it for a good few years and then had to sell everything.

I then went off Naim and subsequently the hi-fi ladder totally for a few years and didn’t have any gear, only to come back to it fairly recently.

Agreed on the source first, but let me tell you a funny story of my own. For me to come back to hifi I had to find another pair of the ART’s, preferably the Deco 20’s and I did as luck would have it. If I didn’t find those giant speakers again, I probably would still be listening to my Sonos. I then got the Nova, so reverse way around.
So the moral of my story is rational behaviour comes first always, until it doesn’t…

I truly believe though that the Nova is a game changer and that sweet spot in the Naim line-up where things just come together. It gets a lot less credit on this forum than it ought to, is my feeling.


Totally agree, the Nova bats quite some levels above its league

I think the Nova gets lots of credit here. People that have one just tend to listen and likely not post. It wasn’t available at the start of my hifi journey.

System matching is all about the owner / listener being satisfied.
However as others have indicated, ask a question and there will be different answers; the best based on experience.
Owning a Nova, I was aiming for a replacement 272 (whenever it was to arrive) and in the meantime added a NAP250DR.

As @HungryHalibut described earlier, it didn’t ime achieve very much, so it was removed.

Nova is excellent but not for as a basis for a multi box system, in essence limitations of a single box are revealed.
Source first isn’t a cut and dried issue, but significant deviation requires careful attention, ymmv.
At the time, the Nova was driving S400s, which never seem to reveal their best.
The Nova now drives Spendor SA1s to great effect - as a pairing.
I never auditioned the Nova replacement, not really recommended but I indulged in blind faith and was rewarded.

S400s with NSC222 + NC250 have really come alive, room can be problematic, but overall the quality improvement is considerably greater than the slightly different current (and outgoing) price of Nova + NAP250.


Thanks, agree on your first remark. I enjoy the Nova with my ART’s and to me they are a great pairing.
With regard to asking a question and getting different answers, absolutely, but I don’t believe my question was read properly. My question was if someone had experience in pairing the Nova with power amps; it wasn’t being told about shortcomings of the Nova and that someone would need to be nuts to pair the two together. Remarks like that don’t achieve anything IMO.

And I am in full agreement with the limitations of a single box system etc. It’s kind of the like the whole point of starting this thread and asking the question

More importantly, isn’t the new Steven Wilson album really good!

I haven’t heard it, but will look out for it!

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HH may seem to lack a filter at times, but his response is likely very valid & he was relaying info on experience with your exact question. He may just have a Nova now, but he’s been up & down most of the line & most of the time his advise is spot on (like it or not).

He brings up a very valid point, the Nova, while it may pair very well with the ART’s it is in fact much outclassed by those speakers. If you want to get out of those speakers, what their capable of, the electronics need to be up to par. A system is only good as its weakest link, so while adding more power will have some improvements, they may be minimal vs the cost & the Nova itself will still be a big restriction.

These comments are in no way an insult to your kit, just stating the facts.

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Actually your question was … "Hi, any experiences OR THOUGHTS with connecting the Uniti Nova via the pre-amp out to a pair of Mono blocks?

Don’t be surprised if people relay their thoughts rather than their direct experience.


They may save you making a mistake that you will regret later.

In my experience, most Members here try to be helpful when replying to a thread.


True but this is so subjective. Having paired the ART’s with a 500/552 I am well aware of the enhancements going up the Naim chain brings; but I wanted to avoid the Naim upgraditis fever which I have gone through multiple times before.

Yes point noted and perhaps I should have been less trigger happy when responding, but at least we both took our filters off.

My filter is now firmly back on! lol

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Yes, helpful, but sometimes subjective to the extreme.

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Wait, then what are Munch’s screams doing on this forum?
As far as I know, I got many many great ideas here and went into world of hifi much deeper than ever thought I could.

This kind of cheap fighting should be found on market, not here.
You are obviously NOT happy with disproportions that your system shows and this is not place for discharging negativity.

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Fair enough but I have right to disagree with someone else’s advice and that’s what I did.
Zero regrets my friend, and so let’s take this a notch down and just chill and enjoy some music.