Nova with Monoblocks?

Agree especially on the second point. That’s been my experience, generally speaking.

Yes that’s exactly what I asked for :slight_smile:

Agree and no insult taken. I enjoy my Nova with ART’s and that’s not going to change.

I’d like to believe that as a prior 500/552 owner and regular contributor to this forum, that I have added value as well :+1:

Just because I ask for advice on this forum doesn’t mean I don’t respect my own!

Honestly the amount of push back on this thread has truly surprised me! I am saying this in the nicest way possible - if someone doesn’t have anything nice to say or value to add, then don’t say it.

Who are you talking about and what screams are you referring to?

Funnily enough I agree with the £1000 and the upgrade I am looking at is in the £1000 to £2000 range. Anymore than that and I’d have to agree that moving on from the Nova would be a better idea.
We think alike!

Well, your picture. Or, picture of self.

To the original question, when I read the title, I thought maybe someone was suggesting adding the 350 mono blocks to the nova. I have an NC250 with the nova and the difference to my ears was huge. That said, I also listened to a nova with a 250DR and thought that also made a big difference, whereas a number of people here didn’t seem to hear the same. My preference was the NC250 though - combination of “better” with different sounds signature.

Anyway, I guess my contribution here would be that adding an amp to a nova made a great improvement to me, so I think it’s definitely worth a go. And if anyone tries the 350s with a nova (if that’s even possible) I’d love to hear those reports!

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Anyway, are you planning on auditioning some power amps in due course? Would be interesting to know how you get on!

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The differences of adding a power amplifier to the Nova is bringing mixed opinions to the table, in my belief this is related to how difficult the speakers are to drive … the more of a complex load they are for an amplifier, the biggest improvent you may expect …


No I would definitely not consider adding 350 mono’s to the Nova! Now that would be an imbalanced system in my view.
My original message was in consideration of the Audio Labs 8300 MB’s which are roughly £2k and at a price level much closer to Nova territory. Hence my question on forum experiences on adding mono’s to the Nova.

Yes. The ART’s are 92db and rated 8 ohms, so a fairly easy load and the Nova does a really good job driving them; that said there is a bit of top end roll off and the woofers could do with some more grip…

Thanks Bobby, that’s very interesting and I’m glad to hear you found the upgrades worth it. I can’t really afford going up the Naim chain at present and will likely go for a pair of Audiolab monos. The cost outlay is within my realm and I think it will be a fun experiment to try out!

Thanks, and I wish this thread had more of these messages. Yes, I think I might add the Audiolab 8300’s in due course.

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I find it most curious that despite these clear assertions from the OP there are still some people who seem very keen to promote the view that the Nova is an inadequate driving system for the OP’s speakers.

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I feel quite strongly about this sort of thing.

I’ve discussed before about how I feel that the source-first approach can be taken to extremes or adopted in a misguided fashion. Just my own opinion of course.

But when someone posts saying that their experience of such a, let’s use the word, (although I detest it), ‘mullet’, is that it performs exceptionally well I find it totally incomprehensible why someone would try to promote a contradictory view.

This to me indicates a blind, slavish adherence to ‘source first’ policy in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. At least in this particular case.

I really don’t get it at all. It just doesn’t make any sense to me.

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He asked for THEIR thoughts. (If he just wanted agreement with his own views why bother posting?)

Indeed. And to me THEIR thoughts don’t make sense. That’s what I’m saying.

But it’s not about you is it?

What, you mean I shouldn’t give my opinion? Isn’t that what you’re doing?