NPX 300 vs. XPS DR?

Hi, everyone. Has anyone here had the chance to compare the NPX 300 and XPS DR power supplies in real life? What is your perspective?

I am looking to add one of the two, with appropriate cables, to an NSC 222 > NAP 250 DR (80 Watt) system …

(There was a similar thread regarding applicability of these two power supplies to the NDX2, but it is now closed. Apologies for bringing this up again rather than being able to post in the existing thread.)

As you have a 222 it makes far more sense to get the 300. You’ll get the benefit of the two Burndy connection, and the 222 will put the 300 into standby to save power.

If you want to open a closed thread, flag the last post and ask Richard to open it for you.


As I understand it, the 300 beats the XPS, but the 555 beats the 300


Yes that’s what Naim communicated :+1:


Thanks for the forum tip!

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Yes, and that makes sense - 8 DRs vs 6 etc. im just curious if anyone on here has direct experience?

Have you tried entering XPS on 222 into the search? There are useful snippets to be found. If you can afford the 300 it makes no sense to consider the XPS; you’ll only want to upgrade later and will lose money.


It’s £500 odd just for the legacy burndy.

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The XPS 300 has as significantly greater impact on the NSC 222 than the XPS DR had on the NAC-N 272………


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Good point. Seems like a lot for the cable, unlikely to get that back …

Thanks! How would you characterize the SQ difference?

Lower noise floor, better bass response, sharper treble’s, vocal, esp female vocals just sounded better/clearer.

As always, YMMV.



Super helpful. This is seeming like an easy call: if I’m going to get an external power supply for the 222, get the NXP 300. I wonder when they will start hitting the second hand market …

When I demoed the NPX300 vs. A 555PS on an NDX2, they were both very close. Both had as much detail, but slightly different sound signatures.

I would think the NPX300 would be much better than an XPS, given a 555PS is much better than an XPS?


They have already, also ex-dem, at least in the UK.


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Moorgate in Sheffield have a used NPX300 for sale currently

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