NSC 222 + Active speakers?

Was just wondering, if anyone has tried the NSC 222 with a good quality pair of Active speakers? And if so, how do they get on with this combination.

There are a few here that have paired the 222 with ATC SCM40 and SCM50 actives, worth checking the ATC threads.

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Cheers, I’ll check that. Thanks again. :+1:

With a PSI-A21M. It’s soothing and tender. People would call it somewhat “warm”(?). I just like it in my living room.


Very nice indeed. So sound wise, it a bit different with those speakers, than the normal ‘House’ Naim sound in your opinion?


If the sound from my 500s system with Sopra2 fits the category of “normal Naim house” sound, then yes it’s different. This 222 with PSI would be less “musical”, more on “solemn” performance.

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I am equipped with a 272/xpsdr with ATC 40A, I am thinking more and more to replace the 272 and its power by a 222, I hope the 222 without power supply is better than the whole!

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