NSC 222 AV by pass

HI Has the nsc 222 the option for av by pass thanks

Yes it does. It is not easy to see but is confirmed in the notes regarding configurable inputs.

Thanks for that ,I suppose it will be somewhere in the app?

Go to the setting menu in the NSC 222 app (press the cog in the top right)

Select input settings

Select the appropriate analogue input

Select AV fixed volume (a green tick will appear)

PS You can also rename the input name so that the whole house finds it easier to use.

PPS additionally you can switch off unused inputs, makes it easier to use the app (less on the input selection page)


Steve, above and beyond. Its after opening time for a friday tipple…or (maybe should be) closing time at hq. As one of those following many of your posts on NC, I and I suspect many, very much appreciate the efforts you and the team and @Richard.Dane have made to the forum in recent months for NC.
I relocated my Nova elsewhere, enjoying the NSC222 + NC250 in my kitchen / diner system - great setup with S400s no less; my full active system still no slouch mind.
Thank you Steve most sincerely, for all the forum efforts you have made - v much appreciated!
Best Rich


Thanks ,so when I get a 222 I could still use my working N-vi with the right cable for centre and rears ,Great.

Particularly going to the trouble to actually rename the input in his app specifically for the OP in the last screenshot! :bowing_man:

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