NSC222..Left channel response delay when altering volume

New NSC 222 has developed a delayed yed response of up to 10 seconds in left channel when turning on and when adjusting volume. Any advice appreciated.

I wonder whether something has made the logic control glitch. In such cases a hard power down (and mains plug out), cup of tea, and then plug in and a power up often clears things. If that doesn’t work then try a reset. And of that doesn’t work then there may well be a hardware component fault, so contact your dealer.


Speak to your dealer should be your first response.

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When I had my 222, often when I turned the volume up (remote or knob) only one channel would go up. If I then gave the volume control a short dab the other channel would come back. Seems they have a problem with these…

Thanks for your replies. Since posting the 222 has become a bit erratic. Same problem but varying lengths of time in the volume delays.

I had a 222 briefly, it had a faulty vol control too, it would mute both channels when adjusted. Best bet is return to dealer unfortunately.

Did you try the hard power off and on, or the full system reset?

Another 222 owner here, left channel occasionally cuts out when adjusting volume, for some reason happens much less frequently now so doesn’t bother me but obviously an issue with these units

222 needs an Alps pot. Don’t get those issues with an old school pot ( just a hint of imbalance). !