NSS 333 connection to NAC 332 - DIN or XLR?

If the 332 is in factory set conditions, and you are using the Din input. The Din input should be set for input 7, when Stream input is selected.

Any joy? :blush:

Thanks for your help @NoNaim - I need to work out how to reconfigure my inputs.


It does explain it in the online manual. You just have to get your head round it. I had to read it more than once. Para. 4.2 Input re-assignment explains the procedure. :blush:

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A summer night’s gin is holding me back from meddling :joy:.



Quite right. One has to get his priorities right :clinking_glasses:

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Blimey. This looks tricky and like I could screw it up big style.

So, as per above, I understand that Qobuz is presently occupying ‘Preamp 7’ and I need to reassign that to ‘Streamer’? That would mean I have both Input 1 (XLR) and Input 7 (Din) connected to ‘Streamer’ and could switch outputs between the two?

I then reassign Spotify or Tidal to Qobuz?

A bit lost, sorry.


Have you had any joy today ?

I’ll wait until my dealer comes to install the NPX 300 in the near future I think. No rush here.


Okay. It will probably be the input selection (i.e. 7 for streamer) or you have engaged mute on the 332.

Definitely the former @NoNaim and thanks again for your help.


GraemeH: Despite the fact have owned Naim for almost 45 years I ran into exactly the same issue with my 333/332 when it arrived. In my case it was input selection, as others have suggested, although getting my head around it took a whole weekend. The procedure for changing the input is actually pretty straightforward, albeit unconventional, and is described in the manual. You need to change the input for the streamer. This is input 7 as others have noted. If you follow the procedure described by Naim (the one where you press and hold the streamer button and select the input from the dial on the preamp) you run into the problem that only 5 inputs can be selected using the front panel of the preamp. The other inputs seem to be only accessible through the app, including input 7. There may be a way of reassigning inputs or an easier method I missed but I was happy I just got it working.

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Thanks for picking this up. I’m enjoying the Mogami balanced XLR’s so much I’ve decided to leave well alone.


GraemeH: sounds like a good plan. I have compared XLR vs the DIN input from the streamer and I can’t hear any difference. In principle, balanced has a technical advantage of lower noise but for short runs that doesn’t matter.

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Continuing the discussion from The Naim New Classic range - Part 1:

I’m sure there was a post where he said he slightly prefers DIN on line level inputs but I can’t find it.

Worth bearing in mind that in general terms, one is not superior to the other. While balanced connections reject noise, the circuit itself is more complex. Unbalanced being simpler without active noise rejection. You may find that unbalanced is better on short runs compared to balanced and XLR but on longer runs, the reverse being true.

Naim’s top interconnects are still the HiLine and SuperLumina DIN.


Interesting. It’s sounding so ‘right’ all balanced I’m not minded to tinker.


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Just pondering whether the terms ‘balanced’ and ‘unbalanced’ create an unconscious expectation that ‘unbalanced’ - as a consequence of not having been balanced - is inherently inferior to ‘balanced’… :grinning:

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The NAP250 used an unbalanced XLR input from its inception until the introduction of the NC250.
The NAP135 also used an unbalanced XLR input.
The NAP500 still uses unbalanced XLR inputs.

Not Broken.

Let’s call it single ended. Sound better.

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Aren’t there Superlumina XLR-XLR between pre and power? Wouldn’t they be called interconnects even if Naim, until recently, didn’t have a source with balanced XLR outputs?

However now that they do have a source with balanced XLR output the XLR-XLR balanced interconnect must surely be at least on the same level as the Din-Din Superlumina?