The Naim New Classic range - Part 1

That text has also been corrected/changed

Nice that as forum members we can contribute in this way.


Has it been said that the HiCap is being discontinued?

The prompt responses to technical queries on this HUGE thread has been fantastic.
Thank you to the Naim colleagues for their invaluable input and @Richard.Dane of course.


“Audio Headphones” … / “Exceptional Assembly” … good grief.

I looks like they didn’t include a digital output on the NSC222, am I right?
If so, I would consider this a significant loss in functionality. My current SuperUniti is a real work-horse of a device due in part to its variety of i/o interfaces.


We have written a white paper on balanced audio for Naim. It will be released soon.

DINs are still great and they are included for inputs.

DINs have been removed from power amplifiers.
Naim had 5 different types of input connection for power amps.

  • RCA
  • DIN
  • XLR stereo
  • XLR mono
  • XLR balanced

The new 250 is now the same as Statement; XLR balanced.

This took many months of circuit simulation, circuit testing, auditioning, listening room tuning. The balanced input uses zero feedback, single ended class A buffers.

The new circuit was added to an existing 250DR, the input buffering afforded by the ‘class A’ buffers improved the sound quality over an above the previous single ended XLR configuration. We were delighted.

We hope you like the result and we also hope you appreciate the simplicity that all amps from now will have the same connection method.


Seen that too
Observation is NO digital out. (Unlike the previous N-272)

So, looks like a closed system : Streamer / DAC + Pre-amp, etc

Edit : Thinking about this, you might only require a DIG o/p, if you felt there were better DAC’s to be used. Then what are you going to with signal next - go back into NSC 222 pre-amp. Maybe not. (Kinda defeats the whole point of a one box solution). So, conclusion this implies a certain confidence the implementation of combined DAC + Pre-amp is more than adequate, for most usage cases.

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a shame naim could’nt follow the radical simplicity of the muso design - all controls on the volume knob & the subtle lighting of the naim logo via the perspex base i’m afraid that to my eyes the 222 looks a bit of a mess by comparison but obviously tastes vary and many seem very happy with the new look



I think we might predict an evolution for the other Naim Power Amps here… :thinking:

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Demo session booked with dealer for tomorrow!!! :grinning:


For users of the old amps with IR remote, there is a workaround for that if you happen to have a Sky Q or Apple TV: The Sky remote has a preconfigured option to control Naim amp volume in the remote settings, the Apple remote (at least mine from the new Apple TV) can learn the Naim remote commands (and that’s very easy to set up).

So then you can use the optical TV output with fixed volume to the Naim streamer, and then control the preamp volume by IR.


Green Sharpie anyone? :thinking:


The volume control from Statement is a big part of it’s sound. These were the deciding factors:

  • Sound quality (better resistive elements in fixed resistors than potentiometers and less microphonic)
  • Long life (IIRC tested 1 million times)
  • Channel balance
  • precise app volume control
  • Volume level feedback

Over the years I have used the digital output of my SuperUniti to:

  • Feed a separate DAC/headphone amplifier, ‘electrostatics’
  • I have used it with a separate DAC and power amp in my main system &
  • I have used it to feed my active speaker system through the digital output

So yes, whilst I may not be a typical Naim owner, I would miss the flexibility, especially as it seems they removed the analogue line output too. It feels that Naim have ‘limited’ a £6k item of equipment like they have the lower range newer Uniti boxes. We are not talking entry level money here!


From what I’ve read the entire Classic line up is going; pre, power and power supplies maybe with the exception of NAP300DR, though I don’t see why a single product would survive the axe.

Posted by @james_n

From Signals…

The new products will supplant NAC 282, NAC 252, NAP 250DR, Superline, HiCap DR and Supercap DR so these are all approaching end of life, even though some of the replacements have clearly yet to arrive.

Uniti, Nait XS, Supernait 3, ND 5XS 2, and NDX 2 all remain in production. Similarly, changes to the 500 series are not envisaged for a considerable period of time.


The Sales, Marketing and R&D teams all being enthusiasts with their own Naim systems have discussed this. The existing PSUs will continue to be made for those wanting complete system goals.

Marketing will release information for how long they will be manufactured when market feedback is complete.


Out of curiosity. For how many years have naim been working on these boxes? Roughly.

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But that suggests the 300DR is going to remain untouched

Just done an edit to that effect.