NSS 333 firmware update 5.1.1

I updated the firmware on my NSS 333 today. Installed without a hitch and now playing music. A much better experience than running updates on my old ND5XS.

Apparently the update fixes an issue with jitter on (I think) the digital inputs, so some users may find a performance uplift if using the SPDIF inputs.

I was not able to do a before and after test, but it sounds great to me.


Done ‘over the air’ I take it?

Yup, over the air, as it should be for a current generation streamer.

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Hello, I got the firmware update and for some reason the display of the NSS 333 does not allow me to select my UpnP (Server) as it is not displayed any more. So I need to use the naim app to select my local UpnP Server.
Do you know any way to get the server displayed again

Additionally I found out, that Tidal connect indicates Max (HiRes) but the NSS 333 only plays in FLAC 44.1 kHz 16 bit - so only CD quality.
Anybody encountered the same problem - what can I do - music from Tidal just sounds flat and disappointing compared to my records.
I just got my NSS - to replace my NDX - a decent improvement - but it would be much better, if it could play something better than CD quality

The Hi-Fi News 300 series review mentioned an issue with jitter on the S/PDIF inputs so it’s good to see Naim have fixed this.

Finally while Naim’s digital RAM buffer has worked effectively on earlier products [HFN Apr '19], in this instance there was a marked difference in low-rate jitter between USB (10psec) and S/PDIF (3345psec) inputs. Naim will be issuing a firmware update to remedy this.

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None of the Naim Streamers can play Tidal Max. Rumours are there will be an update. Nobody knows when. If switching is an option, Qobuz Hires works fantastic.

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Indeed, I remember the Hi-fi News review and have been awaiting the firmware update since.

I did not remember to do a before and after check on sound quality from the SPDIF inputs to assess the improvement but I am very happy with the sound after the update.

Are you sure? Naim’s 2nd generation streamers have never allowed the Server input to be controlled from the front panel display. You need to use the app.

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