NSS 333 Standby Modes

Has anyone confirmed how to implement the various standby modes on the 333? I’ve searched the forum and found that someone else asked this question previously, but didn’t seem to have received an answer. The 332, 350, and 250 all have a switch on the back which can be set to ‘instant on’ to keep the products powered up and just shuts the front lights off when placed in standby. How do you achieve this with the 333? I would like the 333 to stay powered up, but be able to shut the front lights off just like the attached 332 and 250.

“Network standby with an additional power requirement” is the setting I’m after.

Short press on the standby button, according to this: New Classic 300 Series - Standby - #28 by Mark63

Am I correct in assuming that auto standby puts the 333 into normal standby mode where the unit is turned off (long press equivalent)? Otherwise, it always stays powered on?

If so, then how is normal ‘network standby’ mode entered?

I don’t understand why the manual has to be so confusing. There are so many modes and no explanation how the modes are entered.

The manual should explain this. If the 333 is like the rest of the 300 series you have an always on option and stand by after selected i interval, that is network still active and the unit is visible on your network. Deep standby lwith a long press on the sleep button on the unit can only be activated back with the same press on the unit itself, no way to wake it up from remote or app. But my guess is that the 333 have some settings to change this unlike the 332 or 350 where you control it with hardware switches.

Don’t dealers explain these functions? Do they still install it for you?

That’s the problem. There are no settings to change which would indicate which mode you are entering and then no explanation within the manual how to enter the different modes. Within the app, you have the option to turn off auto standby and that’s it.

From Atom/Nova experience:
Check if there’s a „server mode“ in the device settings. If enabled, this prevents those devices from going into network-standby-with-power-saving (I.e. keeps the main power supply active).

Worst case: plug-in a USB device. :wink:

On said Arom/Nova, you can physically feel the difference, since about 20W keep them „warm to the touch“ as cooling down at <2W.

Interesting BTW, that the new platform has learned to enter (deep) „standby“ (aka. soft powe-off on other platforms) via the remote. The current Uniti can inlay enter/exit this mode via the on-device power button.

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