Oh dear...I'm in serious trouble

Oh I agree yes. Very good value for money in my view. I’ve not hooked my NAS up to it yet actually but I will get that going this week at some point hopefully. See how it sounds

Not trying to rain any onyone’s parade and not interested in starting a bunfight - just giving my tuppence worth. But I was never settled with my brand new AUD7000 SU - to me it never had that trademark Naim PRaT. The SU wasn’t by any means a bad amp - but a tad boring - with a range of speakers; it just didn’t sound Naim. Had it for over 2 years and nothing changed.
I gather I’m not the only owner to have had this impression.
To my mind, the entry-level 5i and its successors were in fact, better amps - but of course lacking the streaming capability and grunt some modern brick-like speakers require.
I’m also told the replacement Nova is a vast improvement.
I’ve compromised on a Uniti 2 - for whatever reason it suits me better and does all I need.

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That is interesting to hear. I’ve not heard the Nova

I was going from a UQ2 to SU though so the difference was literally night and day to be honest. I have packed the SU back up to send back to James. Not because I don’t want it but financially its not a good time for me. I’m going to really miss it. My UQ sounds rather lack lustre in comparison!

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