One of life's little pleasures

Yes. Only been here 22 years. Albeit up the hill in Lympne!

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Clocked up 60 years earlier this month.

I’m on the hill just before Saltwood but still in the bounds of Hythe. Wonderful area to live and having retired five years ago I spend a bit of time on local history.

Of course you’ll know that Paul McCartney recorded Back to the Egg at Lympne Castle.

A lovely part of the world…along the coast in Rye as young guys in our twenties we used to stay at the Mermaid inn, great grub and beer…those were the days👍

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Haha. Didn’t realise that. And I was out for a walk past the castle and church earlier.

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My local milk parlour & the output:


Ha Ha!

Two ton Ted…and he drove the bakers van…


I would like to drink a bottle of milk before sleeping. That brings pleasure.

We had our first milk delivery today after many years buying it from the supermarket. It’s organic too, which is nice. Our house gets full sun in the morning so we will need to sort out some sort of shade when the weather warms up in a few months time.

Was it also connected to changes to the milk marketing board and common market?

From 1997 to 2017 we kept goats. You can’t get a fresher pint than one straight out the goat and into a cup of coffee. Took a while to adjust to cow juice when we gave up the herd. The cheese was pretty good too.

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When I was a young lad back in the sixties we lived in a small village the farmhouse and milking parlour was less that a hundred yards away.

The farmer had two cows from the herd that he milked by hand and if I went over very early in the morning to help out he would give you a jug of milk straight out of the milk bucket for your breakfast cereals and cup of tea.

Fresh and warm it was lovely.

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