Ongoing Tidal support on legacy streamers


I’ve noticed a lack of stability with Tidal on my 272. Sometimes stopping mid-stream, sometimes not allowing me to add new tracks to the current playlist and other small misc issues. Sometimes I can get started again by switching to iRadio, which will then initialise the input, play content and then switch back to Tidal sucessfully.

Other times the 272 needs a reboot.

In the grand scheme of things it’s a recent and annoying issue, but not deal breaking. Server playback is excellent and sound quality wise, I’m happy.

It does make me wonder if Naim will continue to fix current and future Tidal issues on legacy streamers given Tidal’s level of integration into these products. This level of integration is important as it sets the bar higher than other services in my view.

Would also like to know if I am the only one or whether other 272, NDX, NDS, etc, etc owners are having the odd Tidal issue develop recently. I imagine there are a lot of changes to the Tidal back end in play and perhaps that is effecting the experience.

The only time I’ve had issues that are similar to yours are when my 272 was connected to the network via wifi. Since going “wired” 2 years ago, I’ve not had a single issue and I listen to Tidal for several hours at a time adding/removing/moving tracks in my playlist as I listen.

Thanks for the feedback, am wired too. Can I ask whether you are iOS or Android user.

Obviously can’t rule out my network issues altogether but as there had been no changes at that end it wasn’t my first port of call.

Actually, perhaps it’s just an android app issue?

I had played Tricky’s Maxinquaye album to the end earlier today and it was sitting in the current playlist. Couldn’t restart from the app but I hit play on the remote and it immediately starts.

SuperUniti, Android, wired. No issues at all with Tidal.

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Fine on NDS (so far)

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After much stability over the last couple of years, I too have noticed a number of similar things over recent weeks. Something has changed it seems.

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Android user. Only Apple-based products allowed in my home are either in solid fruit-based form or alcoholic :slight_smile:
It’s quite possible it’s mostly down to the app if issues are being seen with a wired connection and there’s been no router/switch changes in your home.
Your usage of the app sounds different to mine in that I mostly add a bunch of tracks from playlists or by searching, into my playing queue and then listen, adding/updating the queue as I go along. If there are bugs added by recent app updates, it’s possible that different ways of using the app are likely to expose these flaws, e.g. you might see problems, but I don’t. I always tend to download the latest version of the app the moment it gets released, so my lack of visibility of such issues is unlikely to be because I’m running an older (and possibly more stable) version.
But going back to the issues that people sometimes have with wifi connections and the 272 (and I assume other 1st gen streamers): whilst I can understand that wifi problems can cause disconnections and playback issues and is arguably outside of Naim’s control, I think it’s bad that such things appeared (in my case anyway) to cause the 272 to freeze and need reboots. That sounds more like bad handling of these scenarios :slight_smile:

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Thanks for everyones feedback.

Pure conjecture but i wonder if it’s the app and back-end changes at Tidal’s end with their transition away from MQA.

no issues here with NDS, something to try i have recommended to a few people. if your wifi router has 2.4ghz and 5ghz, switch one of them off. mine used to freeze all the time because the ios device that i have my naim app on was always swapping which it was connected to. worth a try

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Worth trying as it might be the connection to the phone. It appears to be “live”, if that makes sense, in that changes on the 272 screen are immediately reflected on the phone.

What I’m going to do is regularly use my old iPhone 6S to see if the issues are still present.

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Plot thickens.

This morning I get the following message in the iPhone app, which incidentally leads no where when pressed.

And…album just stops midday and the 272 drops off from selection in the app. Annoying.

I don’t need to restart the 272 to get it back into the app for selection. I just need to select iRadio on the front panel and that input reinitialises and starts to play after a minute. Seems to suggest my problem is specific to the Tidal input.

What firmware version is your 272 running? The few most recent updates were released largely in order to maintain Tidal stability, and if you’re not on the latest (4.8) you can expect problems. Thus the warning message you are seeing in the app.

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I wonder, is your router firmware up to date?

Like you, I’ve had weird issues on Tidal for a little while. No other issues with home network. I’ve no idea how or why, but since updating my router firmware this morning, Tidal on the 272 has been behaving itself again today.

Of course, tomorrow it could be flakey again, we’ll see.

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Running 4.8 and latest fireware on the routers.

Thanks for the suggestions.

In that case you should contact Naim support. If you are being told to update your firmware when it’s already on the latest version they will probably be keen to understand why.
Have you tried using a different device (iPhone?) to run the app?

You could also try a factory reset of the streamer. This can sometimes fix issues where the firmware hasn’t loaded properly.

Hi Chris

Yes, I thinik I’ll have to send them an email.

The iPhone is the back up phone. I was using it as Tidal was crashing with the Samsung.

I could try a reset, but the firmware hasn’t changed for quite a long time now and it’s performing up until now.


I just received the same message meanwhile I am already on the latest 4.8.

That message looks like a slightly unfamiliar format to me, i.e.different to the message you would normally get from the Naim app if it detected an available update for your streamer. I suspect it’s rogue behaviour by Tidal on the back of an unannounced change to their API, so I guess this is something Naim will have to take up with them.

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