Oppenheimer - overrated

Hmm getting complicated. Two lists then. One for historical value and the other for entertainment value? With an addendum of where these two do intersect?

Yup fully agree with you. I also found the new Napoleon to be boring and gloomy.

I generally don’t watch drama’s based on actual events, due to the fact they are not usually factually accurate.

So, I won’t be watching Oppenheimer.

Although I don’t mind a few inaccuracies if very entertaining.

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I liked it. I thought it was great, actually.


I find more often than not the films I enjoy the most and regard as my favourite films of all time are low budget indie affairs like “Dear Frankie”, “God help the girl”, “Before Sunset” or “Can’t buy me love” interspersed with some sci-fi classics like “Aliens”, “Terminator 2” and “2010 Odyssey 2”.

As others have said film choice is always personal, but I can’t help thinking that the voting panels for the various leading film awards jump on a bandwagon of praise for a particular movie to the exclusion of everything else.


I am 100% in agreement with everything you have said!:+1:

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I watched the first half of it on an airplane.
I have felt no urge to revisit it and watch the ending.

Did you actually watch it in IMAX 70mm? I did, in the first week of release, so still a reasonably fresh reel. It looked absolutely gorgeous.

I quite enjoyed the film, to be honest.


You are right, I have just looked it up myself… it does appear produced for the BBC! Perhaps that explains why I enjoyed it :grinning:

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Yes Where Eagles Dare a ridiculous yarn … sporting a Nazi helicopter, actually a Bell 47G, which was American and wasn’t developed until 1953! Also has some very dodgy looking back screen projections.

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Obviously the helicopter is a mistake. And a remake would solve the dodgy “night time” scenes. But your yarn = my fiendishly ingenious plot - surely cleverer than any other war film that you may care to name

Yep it’s enjoyable, hence the yarn, but not really great cinema in my opinion. Now one of the yarns I do enjoy that does seem believable and sucks you in is The Eye of the Needle. I am sure there are historical faux pars in that as well, but they don’t seem to detract for me.

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Haven’t seen it yet, will probably get around to it but yes, Tenet, bag of bolts.

Just because of some of the responses in here I will say I really enjoyed both Dune films as a massive fan of the books. Yes there are departures from the facts of the storyline but I get why that can happen and I think the films at least capture the feeling of the books and think the casting was excellent as was the cinematography (I loved Blade Runner 2049 too as Blade Runner one of my all time faves).

My wife and I got about 20 mins into Napoleon and turned it off, we both realised we just didn’t care about any of the characters and found it tedious. We switched to Beverly Hills Cop, now that was way better.

Was also recently really disappointed in latest True Detective. First series was excellent, each one after less so, latest one dire.

Big call out for The Wire, still for me the standout TV series by a country mile, watched the Sopranos after it and enjoyed that but it’s not the standard of the Wire.

Likewise Breaking Bad, came to it really late, all the noise about it just didn’t fancy it, meth dealer and all that but have to say found it compelling.

Now watch Better Call Saul…!!


Its good… and very … strange.

Written and directed by Andrew Haigh, and based on the 1987 novel Strangers by Taichi Yamada.

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As other really good series are being mentioned, I will throw Shogun in the mix.

I think this thread really sums up the subjective nature of life and this hobby of ours. It would be awful for us to all be the same and I for one love to hear all sides no matter the subject.

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I started watching both at similar times and was told you can’t cross the beams! So stopped on Saul and just haven’t got round to picking it up again, will start afresh I think.

Apologies for the slight thread drift but I expect that Poor Things might attract the similar, polarised opinions (it has a shorter running time though :slightly_smiling_face:).