Oppenheimer - overrated


Sorry, inaccurate quote on my part “don’t cross the streams”, Ghostbusters, as in you can’t watch Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul at the same time.


However it did turn out that Spengler was wrong!

But this case defo not. Saul MUST be after Breaking Bad or a lot of Saul wont make sense or have the impact it needs and lots of Breaking Bad will be spoiled.


Have to say I really enjoyed El Camino after Breaking Bad, kinda needed it.

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To a degree, Better Call Saul is better than Breaking Bad…

I agree. Know opinions are divided on this one but I also found it gave some needed closure.

I felt better for it for sure.

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Breaking Bad was the template I based my entire career on :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have to say I just started watching the new Noomi Rapace series where she’s an astronaut on the ISS “Constellation” and it’s absolutely excellent. Really gripping stuff and with special effects to equal a blockbuster cinema release…


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Breaking Bad should also have taught you not to post that on a public forum :smile:

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Good idea.

It’s better than BB imo.

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Watching actually « The gentlemen « on Netflix, with the chicken boss actor in Breaking Bad. Enjoyable.

Don’t forget the serial « David and Goliath « , as you are discussing of Breaking bad and « Better call Saul ». However a bit darker. But excellent too.
And « Fargo « . The season 4 was wonderful.

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Watching it now… hmm gripping stuff indeed …… :hushed:

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I just finished latest episode aired and this show gets really interesting. Make sure you pay attention to everything you’ve seen in first few episodes, it pays off. The little details.

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Also since this is an Oppenheimer thread, can I post my creepy cat mashup?

I bought the 4K disc on release and watched with no amazing expectations, this was a film a number had watched back to back with Barbie (Ive got but haven’t watched yet). I thought it was a great film, I was amazed it was 3 hours and its was for me gripping and immersive al the way through. The soundtrack on it was superb so that always helps with immersion. For me a great film, Not many Nolan films I don’t like, when I went through his catalogue films like Momento I loved and had no clue who Nolan was back then

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@JonathanG it’s not that Oppenheimer is overrated, it’s just that standards these days are lamentably low. It’s a good (not great) film from a very talented (if erratic) director and its sweeping of the Oscars is merely a measure of how pitifully low on ideas and talent Tinseltown is these days.

Hollywood is a busted flush right now, and it doesn’t look as if the glory days of The Golden Age or the “Easy Riders Raging Bulls” era is ever coming back. As I said on another post elsewhere, you need to look outside of the Anglosphere (to Korea, Finland, South America, Poland, South Asia, Hungary and most of all, Japan) to find cinematic nourishment in 2024.

Most modern cinema is utter garbage, but there are plenty of good pictures about when you cast your net wide.


I enjoyed it. I tend to have low expectations when I see a movie. Helps me to enjoy more of them.

Oscar lost the plot in 1941 and 1942 when Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons lost out to How Green Was My Valley and Mrs Miniver respectively. The Academy’s been largely going downhill (with the occasional hiccup) ever since.

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Kubrick is – along with Frank Capra - the most overrated film-maker of all time. And the most overrated of all his films is 2001, a strangely static picture all about surfaces which hasn’t even got the courage of its convictions and keeps shoehorning in all sorts of metaphysical guff in an effort to keep the profoundity flag flying. Had Kubrick taken plot and character as seriously as he did model-making and lens grinding, he might have created a picture that wasn’t quite so silly. Kubrick, despite the claims made for him, is very much a middlebrow director and 2001 is his most relentlessly middlebrow picture. It mistakes bombast and grandiosity for profundity, broad gestures for meaning and hippy trippiness for insight. HAL is the best thing in it.

He started with immense promise – Paths of Glory and Dr Strangelove are magnificent (and The Killing, Spartacus and Lolita are more than passable) but it’s all downhill from there as each film becomes more otiose, denuded of meaning and merit: 2001 is pretentious, empty and silly; Clockwork Orange nasty; The Shining even nastier, but in a different way; Full Metal Jacket boring; and Eyes Wide Shut just laughably piss-poor. The exception is his best film, 1975’s Barry Lyndon, which really IS an epic, and beautiful to look at too.

I actually found the “men talking in rooms” bits of Oppenheimer very engaging, and certainly much less of a waste of 70mm stock than 2001’s technology fetishism.