Optimal server for NSC222 - to NAS or not to NAS

You cant do this with an attached SSD / hard disc, hence my comment in the other post:-

You’re stuck with the browse tree that comes from the Naim server.

Asset doesn’t cost anything and I can easily serve with all the relevant metadata views to any device on my network. And it doesn’t take that much effort or cost to optimize your network for SQ.

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Naim app is very good for me!

You need some kind of equipment at a cost.

I have 7,000 lossless albums on my NAS. NAS are relatively inexpensive as are good quality switches and ethernet spec cables.

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And yes you can…:wink:

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At 7000 albums, its obvious you need a NAS! It wouldn’t fit a 2TB SSD.

Yes so did you tag the album title with the Year - Album as per my screenshots of mp3tag ?

My screenshot from the Naim app from the Asset server didn’t have the albums tagged with year - album.

What’s your point? You wanted them in year order? There you go it is possible if that info is relevant to you.

I wouldn’t say noise, but sound quality was better when i cut the number of intermediate between source (SSD) and streamer Naim Atom in my case. I did that also with my Cambridge audio 851n.

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Did you even look at the link about tags, mp3tag is a program that edits music file tags, it just doesn’t just do mp3 files.

There is no way to sort by Artist and display the albums from earliest to latest album using the Naim core, Atom or NSC 222 without changing the album title to year - album.

You are right, the Naim app doesn’t do it on its own. But it is possible to do it another way if that info is relevant to you.

This doesn’t make any sense to me in the context of nas vs. a drive attached directly to a Naim player.

There is no “soundcard” involved in either scenario. Nor any dac other than the dac in the Naim player which does the same thing in either setup.

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As i said if you use a computer as a server…you need an app of some sort then the app DAC, in my case Audirvana. I was using a macmini. If you have a dedicated standalone NAS connected to your network, you still need an app to playback your music, or you are running it through the Naim app.

An app is just a controller for your physical streamer.

When using a NAS, or a naim UnitiCore, which is network connected the music flows direct from the NAS (or Core) to the streamer in ethernet packets. The NAS/Core do nothing other than split the FLAC file into network packets for transmission.

There is no DAC until the naim streamer reassembles the lossless audio bitstream from those ethernet packets and passes to the internal DAC.

The music doesn’t flow through the app, nor go anywhere near the device the app is running on.

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Do you have any kind of difference in your replay from your system in music quality using your NAS or having a SSD or Naim unity core directly connected to it?

I also seen the Synology NAS in many systems pics. Does the fan noise bother you? Or do you have it in a separate room with modem?

Literally none of this is how this stuff works.


I always had my nas someplace on my network remote from the hi fi. My Roon Nucleus is in my home’s utility area, where the cable co. hardware is.

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Well obviously i speak for my case, and i mentionned it. So what?