Optimal server for NSC222 - to NAS or not to NAS

I think Audirvana only enables this DSP-feature (and some other features) if you add the DAC to the mac. Not when Audirvana acts as a UPnP-server. But I havent looked at the latest version so it may have changed.

I tried running Audirvana to a DAC directly via the Holo Audio RED digital-to-digital converter (which also filter out some RFI) and it sounded quite good (on AES output from the RED).

But an old Melco NZ1H/2 sounded much better with the same boxes.

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Yes it does sound good.

Asset costs £31 plus vat for a lifetime license but is excellent value.
An initial free trial is available.

There is already another thread on this issue.

The Naim App displays “what it is given”.
It is not possible to show the Year using a Core or similar simple file connection because it does not offer the tag (even if it is there).
You can do it with AssetUPnP as a server as it is available to be configured from Asset as a simple change to the Browse Tree that is then displayed by the Naim App.

Still searching for the best way to use my NSC222. I purchased Asset for Synology and that works but is a bit basic.

Roon will add some features but can I expect any SW improvements? Running the files from NAS and a Roon server. Assuming my Synology DS224+ will not run Roon properly.

Asset on my QNAP has quite a bit of functionality. Definitely wouldn’t call it basic. What functionality are you looking for?

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I wouldn’t hold your breath…

Well it’s visually basic. No recommendations or anything.

I’m not sure what you mean, I’m form follows function here.

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