Ovator s-400 BMR repair

RS in the uk have something very similar to the S400 bmr which maybe worth checking out in case it could be made to fit.

Try Falcon Acoustics or Wilmslow Audio - in the UK - ??

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions, I appreciate it.

I have emailed the seller, but honestly don’t expect much from that.

The problem with the repair i’m affraid, is that de BMR is a special developed product by and for Naim.
That will probably mean that there a little standard parts used. So I don’t know if a repairshop will be able to get parts for it.

There is a repairshop not to far from where I live which has some 25 years experience they claim. So I sent them a email with foto’s to ask if they can do something. They wanted me te send it but called the BMR a woofer. It maybe little but it didn’t help in my confidence to trust them with the driver.

So I really appreciate the suggestions and will look into it.

With all do respect, but there is a difference with other manufacturers and Naim. And that is that Naim claims they can service there equipment for many years after production. Not all manufacturers claim that. So I have to say that I kind off relied on that claim when buying Naim equipment.

That doesn’t mean there is no responsibility on my account when buying speakers. But when you do a claim like that, it also creates expectations and responsibilities. That is were my shock came from.

Yes, they were unique drivers…….what a shame.

They certainly try their best but once the stock of spares are exhausted it becomes very difficult. Naim can’t just build more drivers as their speaker manufacturing facilities, including jigs etc… went many years ago to make room for Powerline and Statement production.

I suspect the dread hand of Focal is at play. The decision to kill off the Ovators was total it seems.

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I have seen a brand new spare (matching pair) BMR units throw up on a well known auction site from a dealer not so long ago. Whether they sold them or not is anyone’s guess. Maybe be worth lurking around in their Completed Listings, following a search?

Wait a minute here.
I bought the s-600 used two years ago,so the warranty my dealer offered has expired.
So in case something goes wrong,since naim hasn’t any parts anymore, this means i have to buy new speakers & throw away 6.000€ i bought them???
Are we serious???

Yes all will be land fill.
It’s shocking, I’m sure there’s a 7 year rule in the uk.


I did a search. I guess they are sold. But will keep an eye on it.

Vaggoz: The BMR’s from the 400 and 600 are different. I can’t tell if that ones are also unavailable.

I am hoping someone who knows something about speakers can tell what the technical problem is with the BMR. I am placing a picture of the front. I hope this may help looking for someone with the right experience and tools in the hope they can be fixed.

Like I said in my first post I can push at the front in the center. There is a magnetic like resistance because I here no sound (scratching from windings to the magnet). The voice coil shouldn’t be magnetic and if the coil is charged then it would loose that charge when I unplug the speaker eventually. The speaker has been unplugged for 2 days with no difference to the resistance.

Would love to here some ideas.

You may want to reach out to Karl Heinz Fink, he is the designer of the Ovator series. You may be lucky and get a response / suggestion.

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Blimey… hope it gets resolved soon

Seems KHF is fairly easy to locate on the Intewebzz… :astonished:

Yes, he is visible and I believe located near Essen Germany which is a few minutes drive from anywhere in the swampy Netherlands.

Good idea. Found a website and will send a mail.
And then hope they will respond

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Update for the defect BMR:

The distributer apparently does have a used BMR on the shelf, a technician coming back from his holiday today mentioned this and so there seems to be a solution. Normally both DMR’s are replaced when one is defect so this one is still good. Not a perfect solution but I’ll take it, better then what I have now.

The other unit I have sent to a local repairshop, he has been in this business from 1983.
He never seen this problem he said, but as far he can see there is some sort of metal piece inside the voice coil that should have been glued but came loose. This metal has something to do with opposite phase he says.
He didn’t do anything to the unit yet because original parts are hard to find and it maybe difficult to put together again.

I am ordering the used BMR and not yet sure if I want to let him repair the faulty unit.
I will sleep on it.


Thanks for letting us know, it might be useful for the future.

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