Ovators channel down -

Good luck. I think he did put a new surround (the flexible ‘rubber’ that is stretched in your picture) to the BMR, but not sure. There are standard sizes available which could work.


I wonder if @Darkebear should start worrying about his S800s?:sunglasses:

…quick-check - I still have a stereo image - excellent! :bear:

Bad news about the BMR situation in the case discussed.
I do hope someone at Naim will give some help or suggestions. I though there was some guy in Germany that repaired them way-back?


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If I may ask, where about is the repair shop who fixed it for you?

In Holland. In a village called Sint Nicolaasga.


That’s not Holland :wink:

I’m afraid some of my family was from Groningen too …

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Sorry, but this is in Friesland …


Ok, here’s is the reply from Naim technical support to my email
Many thanks to Alex.

As expected, pray that nothing goes wrong with your beloved Ovators.
It is unfortunate but these things happen.
Time to go shopping.

Sorry to read this news from Naim Tony.

Now they have confirmed a repair is not an option have you got any speakers in mind as replacement?

I absolutely love my Ovators not just the sound but also the looks which might lead me to look for a s/h pair just for the spare BMRs

Good luck with your search for a solution to this un wanted problem.

ATB Graham.

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Thank you, Graham. If the driver cannot be repaired, I’m not sure which speakers I’m getting next but I don’t expect Ovators to be on the list.

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Good luck with the search try and enjoy the journey.

ATB Graham.

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Another pair of Ovators might be worth considering, as that would give you some parts to maintain your existing pair (as Graham has already suggested).

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I thought of about it David, but worried that it could happen again, then I’m stuck with them too. Is it really worth the risk? I have my doubts.

You could see it as buying two sets of spares and throw away or sell on the empty cabinets.

That’s very phlegmatic of you Tony. There’s not a lot you can do about it so you just have to get on with it. Maybe you can advertise yours for spares, as it’s only one BMR broken so you have two cabinets, one BMR, four bass units and two crossovers. People who do DIY hifi want lots of things.

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Thank you, David. You put a smile on my face. You’re really trying hard to convince me to by another pair, aren’t you? Trying to flog yours? :wink:

Thank you, Nigel. That’s the plan. Unless, of course, David come up with a mint pair at a very reasonable price. :sunglasses:

It’s a similar situation for those of use with older Naim speakers. I can see that Credos and eventually Allaes may well fall victims to SL2 owners looking for working mid/bass drivers.

Of course, there are companies out there that profess to be able to repair drive units if they aren’t too far gone. I wonder whether they can do BMR repairs? Provided the diaphragms are in one piece it should be possible I would have thought.