Pairing Uniti IR remotes

I had to factory reset my Untiti2 and UC2 as part of the firmware updates and both remotes aren’t accessing the system menus using the tool spanner box. I had previously swapped the remotes around. Now the Uniti2 one operates volumes but not the tool box. The UC2 is bricked completely, not even discoverable on the App after resets.

Does anyone know the procedure for pairing the IR remotes, as I can’t remember how to do this.

BTW, the Firmware didn’t fix the Tidal drop outs either…

Mike, instructions can be found here:

Thanks, but this is for my Uniti2 and UC2 infra red remotes. There is a button sequence at power up, but I don’t remember it.

Ah yes, my apologies, having re-read, I just spotted that…

Let me see what i can find, otherwise, give Naim a call this morning.

Thanks. I’m in New Zealand, I’ll call my dealer in the morning, he talked me through it last time.

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From the Troubleshooting Manual…

The remote could be set to the wrong system code. To reset the remote control to the default system code point the remote at the NaimUniti and press the following buttons at the same time: aux, Info (i) and disp.

The remote control interferes with another product/Uniti responds to another product’s remote control
• The NaimUniti remote control can be configured to work on a different remote control channel if the default channel clashes with another product’s remote control. To change the control channel point the remote at the NaimUniti and press the following buttons at the same time: aux, info (i) and one of the following:
o Disp(thisisthedefaultsetting)oroneofthealternatechannels:1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 0


Thanks, I’ve sorted both remotes and have the UC2 working again. I’d reset to factory settings after the firmware update. Unfortunately, the new firmware hasn’t fixed the Tidal drop outs many of us are having problems with.

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