Interestingly my brother on law recently had his LP12 and amp (not Naim) serviced by a local dealer, about 10 miles away. He then bought a secondhand Moon CDP from them. They offered to deliver, which they did, and connected, and discussed racks, suggesting a second, which they brought on another day, in fact a matching pair. They set up, and listened to some music with him, clearly the individual was an enthusiast, and was fascinated by and loved the speakers (ancient IMF RSPMs, previously mine). They also demonstrated a couple of alternative cables. In all they spent more than half a day at his house. No extra charge was made for the service, though discount was given on their listed prices. That is good service, and certainly makes him very willing to use that dealer again, as indeed I would if they had anything I wanted.
IB, was this was also in Manhattan, or somewhere else?
Sorry, given the OP’s location I should have clarified: not Manhatten nor anywhere else USA, but north east England.
So iiuc, you are not purchasing a complete system from one dealer, a dealer who you haven’t used before? Perhaps you can explain why you believe a discount is justified. The dealer needs to make his living! It isn’t clear what exactly you mean by $500 for white gloves?
Costs in NYK are outside the experience of many on the forum here. However unless you live on the ground floor, right next to the dealer, there will be travel time, transportation and more besides.
It is true that in the uk, many dealers do offer to instal, not all of us utilise that service. Outside the uk, charging for extra services or install will vary in different markets.
Overall, establishing a good rapport with the dealer may well reap greater benefit than a discount. Issues do arise and a good dealer will be best placed to resolve those.
Ime discounts are more forthcoming once a relationship has been established, rather than with first purchase.
Realistically for a couple of hours, to ensure the system is fully functioning, for the purchase cost indicated, it is a very small percentage to cover install. Look forward to your system, provided it meets your requirements and is within your budget, rather than trying to save the last few cents.
Enjoy the music.
I do not think I would pay for the installation of gear. It is not a big deal anyway, plus there is fun in it. My dealer never offered that serivce.
But what he did free of charge was come here with half a dozen pair of speakers so I could select (and eventually buy). Much better than installation imo.
Am I getting this right
OP has bought gear at a discount from another dealer and is moaning about another dealer charging when asked to set it up.
You can’t have your cake and eat it.
Why can’t the discount dealer do it.
They even ask you to pay the cartoon box
Even in Manhattan a “technician” working for an electrical retailer doesn’t get paid $200 an hour. Unless, perhaps, they happen to own the business. Either way, this is profiteering.
My dealer asks 500 euros for 3 hours installation. 200 euros for one hour.
Wow, 200 euros an hour to unpack, position, connect, move speakers around a bit for a collection of consumer hifi products designed for consumer setup and install sounds mind bending. If people are willing to pay it, I guess it would be rude not to take the cash….
In London I can hire a recording studio with sound engineer for a whole day for £225… food for thought….
£225 including food? Sound a good deal
No. The speakers were the only items that came from another dealer, who is a friend of the dealer from whom I wanted to buy the amps and other equipment.
I think you need new dealers.
I just did a cursory look around me, been in London today. There were several cheaper options, I know sound engineering and regular studio often don’t charge a lot, but I assumed London would be more expensive than many… and it makes it all the more galling what can be charged to setup consumer hifi products.
Yes I don’t know if snacks are included……
These hourly rates people are quoting, are they time at the individuals home, with the dealer covering travelling time and other travelling expenses, or are they charged from the moments of leaving the shop to getting back to it? Especially on longer distances that can make quite a difference. When I was operating my own consultancy business between more secure jobs, I charged only half my normal hourly rate for travel time.
Being that it is in Manhattan, the $200.00 an hour is probrably covering the parking fee for the technician…
Indeed in North America, we pay for everything including higher prices but in Canada, prices are nearly if not double depending on the exchange rate of the day. On top of that, there’s the sales tax, if a customer chooses to do so, there’s the shipping cost.
Yes, if you live in the world’s most market-oriented country where you have to make money from everything, you probably have to count on that, in many other countries the service is seen as goodwill for the brand…
I was just gonna say that. Parking and driving is awful in Manhattan.
But the thing is that you do not need to drive in Manhattan, just take your stuffs and ride the subway, worst case, get a taxi.