Pet and System Pics

Birthday girl.

Giradelle Coralee, age 2.


I am very familiar with this situation. The main thing is to play your reaction long because the situation may change :coffin: in a helpful direction within a few hours.

She seems to bring them in during the winter. We had an infestation last year, I removed at least 10 using humane traps and relocating them


Did she not like her present?

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I think it was because “Mum forgot!”…….fortunately Dad to the rescue [SMUG_MODE]

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That is a look that says “I am a hunter and I am patient: I will wait until you are asleep. :rofl:



How cute is that…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I know. I’m glad I chose white…





Do any of you cat owners find that they like to use floorstanders as scratching posts? I’m thinking about getting a couple of fluff balls.

I haven’t had scratching problems with any cats we’ve had. They do like to use them as vantage points occasionally.
What I would recommend is that you buy one or two actual scratching posts for them, and encourage them to use them. Maybe put one near the speakers to start with. Once in the habit of using it they will probably enjoy it, and prefer it to speakers (or sofas).


Not as scratching posts…(possibly too smooth?)……but Zebedee would occasionally spray….on the SBLs, NAP250s, Meridian 5000s…etc

I think that it may be more prevalent with indoor cats (which, of course, ours are) - just not as many opportunities as kitties that go out.

But as Mr. Chris Packam might say, “this is what we pay for” LOL:

“Jacou Pixie Pardo” (Burmese brown tortie)


Beautiful color combination.

Not speakers (I have ATC, so nothing to scratch, but she does like to have a go at my GIK panels from time to time😯

We do this by rubbing catnip on the scratching post.

I guess I could remove the grill covers on the ones that look like GIK panels. Too tempting. :scream_cat: At least until I see how inquisitive they are.

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Meet Gary. He’s a really good dog. He never barks, doesn’t shed or ever need to go to the vet, and I never have to pick up after him when I take him out for walks.