Phoenix net

Patience, patience. I’ll wire her up today.



It’s very much better than the EE8. The Innuos is worth the money, having owned one I’m not sure the EE8 is, in my system at least

Thank you. That is good to know. :blush:

The EE8 with a good linear power supply is a different beast. But the PN is on my list for evaluation some day.


Where’s my noise-floor gone? It has been replaced by inky blackness…



Congratulations, it is a great little box.

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Thanks. It’s beautifully made too.

I realise it needs around 100h or so to settle but listening to ‘Buena Vista Social Club at Carnegie Hall’ is quite magical. The enhanced sense of the venue’s acoustic and extra solidity and presence of each musician is breathtaking.

I was expecting a subtle uplift, but this is much more.



Is it really that much better than the EE8 with F1 power supply? At the moment I can’t afford the PN and wondering if it would be overkill for my modest system

Nice one Graeme. It’s a great bit of kit and no external supplies / cables needed. Enjoy :+1:


In the context of my system it is that much better. I’m glad I did this upgrade last though, otherwise I’m not so sure the gains would have been so apparent.



Totally understand. Thanks for the input.

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That’s good to know, I had assumed the PN more benefited the legacy streaming platform and had less impact on the gen2 streamers. It looks like plenty of folks on the gen2 platform are seeing big benefits with the PN as well. I’ve been very happy with my POE set up and have some remarkable inky blacks currently but when my current buying spree settles I’m going to have my eye on a PN.

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Perfect to hear - I did expect nothing else.
Please put a powerline on PN. I have bought my 4th powerline today.

Yes - the PN is soo much better. But I was coming from ee8 with smps.
You can also do some experiments with Ethernet cables.

And me being very sceptical… PN get me at once.

Enjoy… very nice to read that you like it.

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Do not think that it will be an overkill. It is worth a try.
PN is very naim like. :laughing:

Having tried a few over the years, up as far as Sarum, I actually find the lowly Chord C-Stream my favourite and now just stick with that.



Anyone switched from etherregen+lps with external masterclock+lps?
Or compared that with the PN?

I know, I had one

Yes, and worth it.
As an extra benefit you also get rid of all that clutter :blush:


Can I ask you which or where about, is the dealer that gave you the trade in on the EE8 and F1 ?

@GraemeH Would you prefer not to say?