Phono input conversion

I would like to bridge the phono inout on a nac 62 to use as an aux in. Is this possible by linking two suitable pins on each channel, or do I need a set of straight through boards to do the same thing?

Yes, this can be done. I think there are 2 ways to do this, on a 62 -

  1. Connecting the relevant pins using custom link wires
  2. Finding & installing ‘straight thru’ boards.

@Richard.Dane can confirm.

I don’t think Naim (Richard in particular) will help with any internal DIY modifications (against Naim’s policy and forum rules). I’d just get a pair of straight through or buffered boards.

Exactly this. Use line level boards (NA326) or, if you can’t find any, ask your dealer if they can make up a pair of removable link wires for you. Just connect to the same pins as the 326 boards.

Just don’t be tempted to solder wires directly to the motherboard pins as it will potentially ruin it and make fitting different boards impossible in future.

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Thanks all. I can make up the link wires with pins. I was not sure whether I needed any attenuation or rf filter.
If I could find a pair of 326 boards that would be preferable but they seem to be a bit hens teeth territory.

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Yes they are…
Having spent year looking and waiting, gave up.

Tony @BasicallySound may have a solution that works.
Give him a call or contact direct by email?

Good luck

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You could try NA328 boards, which are adjustable (attenuated), filtered line level boards.

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