Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

How are you finding the new location ? ( I am in North Derbyshire 0.5 m from Nottinghamshire border)


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Looking really good By-Tor👍🏼

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Loving it, pleased to say. I find there is a strong sense of community and there is an expectation that people will help each other. It’s also nice to find the local council (Bassetlaw) have invested in local services. This seems to have encouraged people with mobility issues (of which there are a lot) to get out and about.

A real bonus is the easy access to venues and reasonable prices!

Thank you @QuickSticks. While Snow Dog and I disagreed many times, we are both happy with the compromises we came to for the room.


I am just over the border in Bolster District and yes the people are nice and yes cheap for sure compared to Hampshire OR Oxfordshire where I am from !!

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Do you mean Bolsover? If so, that is quite close.
@Richard.Dane - would you please pass on my email address? Happy to meet up for a drink and Hi Fi chat if you’d like. We can also argue about soccer!

Yes Bolsover

I am 4 miles from Worksop

A meet up would be good


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Cool room By-Tor, but where is the snow dog? :wink:

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Thank you @Sandy8.
Snow Dog is actually my wife. We are both big fans of the Canadian band, Rush, and we took to using the names lifted from the song, "By Tor and the Snow Dog’ from their second album, ‘Fly By Night’.

Essentially two of the band took on the names and ‘fought’ each other on stage when they played the song. Sadly, in the song, Snow Dog wins!


Ha nice. I’m Canadian which explains why your forum name rang a bell. Been listening to Rush since the 8-Track days and the first album. Here’s an old system pic from our place about 10 years back…


That is quite a dramatic view out the window.


Hi @Sandy8 and apologies for trying to give a Canadian a history lesson about your best band! Love the photograph - great lighting to get the eyes to stand out!


While I enjoy Rush I am not an expert on all their releases to tell the truth. That being said it’s always nice to see how much they are appreciated around the world at least by the male population haha.
I will forever miss that view we had in Squamish BC even though placing the system in front of a large window wasn’t ideal for acoustics I suppose. The pic was hard to get right with the lighting but I had to wait until it was nearly dark since the album was called Fly By Night. It just seemed like the thing to do!


It is a great picture - suitably brooding.
My wife and I were lucky enough to attend the Portsmouth date on Geddy’s book tour when Alex came along as the guest interviewer. There were a surprisingly high number of women in attendance, especially as the audience was made up of die hard fans.


Enjoying a glass of red wine at end of the day after a hard day’s work.

System sounding sublime. Nicely settled in with full 500DR kit.

Lucky man I am!


And we are lucky to have you! Cheers


Thank you so much! Lovely thing to say @garcon


Lovely room Dan, lucky old fish……music to swim to😉


Thanks @Gazza. Listening to the ND555 loads at moment and loving the synergy with full 500DR set up.

What can I say? It just works! As you well know my friend!


Garden is in the process of being updated, so excuse the mess.

Listening to Jazz24 on the small Anker Soundcore Bluetooth speaker and enjoying the sun and a French Lager.