Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Extractor hood over an oven, maybe? The angle might be making it look much bigger.

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So maybe it is yes, at least it looks huge in the picture.

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New speaker in progress. 15" in 8th order bandpass, 2x12" in midbass and a JBL 2446 in JBL 2380 horn. And tweeter.

The small speakers consist of a RAAL driver and an 8". We are just listening the the 15" in the big speaker. Dry and deep. Very good.


“If you can remember…”


Same here, though it seems to divide opinion.

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Yes, above the cooking island

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The astonishing Gryphon Diablo 333 on home demo, sitting between my Dynaudios. Truly wonderful resolution, sound-staging and all the pace, rhythm and timing one could wish for

And it works a treat with the NDX2/XPSDR,


A pleasant evening in Shoreham (Kent) vineyards listening to a string trio playing Beatles, Elton and Queen last night. Posh hampers and good wine to boot.



After 3 days spent with the Gryphon I am smitten. This is just a wonderful amplifier. It has enormous slam and an iron fist when required but is wonderfully intimate and delicate when the music calls for it. I have a demo of the Vitus RI 101 mk2 planned but as it stands it will have to go some to usurp the Gryphon which I think will be making a sizeable hole in my bank balance in the not too distant future.



Nice anoraks :blush:

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Currently at the Garden Stage at the End of the Road festival watching Molly Lewis who is a professional whistler. I’ve always hated whistling but she is amazing - and v funny to boot. Perfect for a come down Sunday lunchtime


Just reading this and your follow-up impressions as I’m considering the Gryphon 333 as potential upgrade (it is very well priced here in Aus).

Slam, rhythm, dynamics, detail are all areas I’m hoping to improve upon, but what I don’t want to lose is how my system throws up a huge, holographic soundstage with a liquid midrange. How does the 333 fare in that regard?

EDIT: Are you auditioning the 333 with the optional DAC board?

First things first, I am not auditioning the the onboard DAC or phono units. For digital I am using my NDX2/XPSDR with Melco storage. Vinyl is via my Avid Acutus playing into Whest Audio Titan Pro Phono stage. Cabling is Nordost Tyr 2, with the exception being that I am using a Shunyata alpha v2 mains cable into the Gryphon.

I should also say that my resident amps are MFA Baby Reference V2 passive pre and PS Audio BHK Signature 250 power. Speakers are Dynaudio Heritage Special.

I have previously owned Naim and Chord amplification. I did listen to the Naim 350 and they are a wonderful amplifier but just not my cup of tea!

Now to answer you question. Whilst the Gryphon has immense power and control it is not a one trick muscle amplifier, like some American designs we could all name. It has a delicacy and intimacy which is breathtaking. It delivers so much information in the mid range but without seeming stark or etched; it is a very sweet sounding amp through the midrange and treble region. In my system it paints a very vivid soundstage that almost seems to extend beyond the walls of my listening room. Play some well recorded music and musicians are precisely located, with plenty of air and space around them. The amp also gives a sense of layering of the music and harmonies are very easily picked out and delineated. However, it does all of this without dismantling the musical message and retains all of the emotion the artist put into the track. It is also forgiving of poorly recorded music.

It is way better than the MFA/BHK combination. As I said in an earlier post I am having a home demo of the Vitus RI-101 mk2 (with DAC/streamer) starting next week and I am going to be interested to see how that amp compares to the Gryphon. What I do know, at this point in time, is that one of the amps (Gryphon or Vitus) will be replacing my current pre/power combination.


Last weekend we had the pleasure of hearing Eric Bibb at St Mary’s Church in Rye, East Sussex. An amazing artist in a stunning setting.


Lucky you. Give me that experience over Oasis any day!



That honestly all sounds amazing and pretty much exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks so much for the detailed write up. I notice you’re using stand mount speakers like I do. How do you find the volume control on the Diablo? Do you feel it provides enough gradations to ensure the right volume?

Speaking of volume, how does the 333 fare at lower volumes? Still dynamic. Sorry for so many questions haha.

No problem.
My Dynaudio’s are IEC rated for 200w. The Diablo is 333watts into 8ohm and 666 watts into 4ohm. So I do not use the full range of the volume control. I have a relatively small room (14feet x 12feet) so I don’t need crazy volumes. Most material I listen at 22- 24 on the volume control. 26-28 is (for me at least) loud enough when I want to let my hair down (figuratively of course as I’m as bald as a coot!). I would not want to push the Dynaudio’s any further than that. One neat trick is that you can set max volume for each channel, I have mine set to 28, so no way am I or anyone else gonna push too much power through the Dynaudio’s.

I find that at late night volumes the amp remains dynamic.

But honestly I think you need to find a dealer to give you a home demo. My experience might not be the same as everyone else’s and my room will be different to yours. Please do not make a purchasing decision on what I or anyone else says!!! Your ears are the only thing that counts!

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Thanks once again. I too have a small listening room but I’ve noticed for the music I like to listen to (heavy metal), my Kudos T505 can soak up quite a bit of volume and power. I know Kudos used the Nap 300DR when developing my speaker but I think it needs more grunt. Guess Kudos don’t listen to the same music I do, ha!

And yes, I will most definitely seek out a demo. Would love one at home but not sure how willing my Gryphon dealers would be on lugging a 50kg amp to my place. We’ll see.

I may also need to budget for some Nordost Tyr 2 in the future going by your comments…