Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

It separates the sensitive head units from their noisy power supplies. It improves cable dressing. It lowers the TT and makes it more stable. It will for sure sound better.


Thank you, that’s food for thought

Doing the same on some home trial Pmc prodigy 5

I had to remove my guitar (acoustic) from my listening room because it used to vibrate in harmony to the music. It was in the back corner and created a weird effect. It’s hung on the wall in my house now :+1:


A rather badly lit day for the photo unfortunate…


Damp and dull autumnal day. Great for watching sport and listening to tunes (Orbital - Optical Delusion just started) - love it!


With apologies to the OP for a bit of thread drift, may I ask @Sinewave how well the NC250 drives the ATC SCM40s and how it all sounds? How much space do the ATCs need in your room? I am thinking of trying the same power amp/speaker combo.

BTW, your room look wonderful.

Thanks for the room compliment - its taken a while to get it finished after an extension build…

I actually auditioned the ATCs on the end of a 250DR when I ordered them. The NC250 has no problem driving them; although as noted elsewhere it can get a tiny bit warm if really pushing hard (never had the fan on though). Bass is tight and the sound is very fast and engaging - I tend to listen to beat-heavy electronic music. My room is 4.8m x 4.5m and they are about 25cm from the back wall.

I actually listened to a 333/332 with a 250 into some SCM40s a few weeks ago at a dealer. Sounded incredible. The 250 was not showing any signs of stress and the room was considerably larger.


While idly pondering messing around with someone else’s room, I too was wondering about just what HH suggests and whether I too would hear a difference if trying it. Then I got to comparing the position of your speakers with the space around them that my 804 D3s seem to prefer, which made me think that I might try staying with 1 rack but moving the speakers a bit further from the back wall - even a few inches might make a worthwhile difference.

If you do decide to try either or both idea, please let us know what works best.

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Thanks for the good suggestion, in a previous house I had the luxury of a large room just for the Hi Fi and Vinyl storage.

The 802’s did sing!Now, in this house, it’s in the lounge, and as you can see from the photos I’ve attached if I move them forward it partially obscures the TV from one of the sofas. Not a showstopper though

I will have a measure up and see if I can split the racks. Will be tight if I can do it at all
All that aside, the sound is, in my opinion of course, really great.

I just added an XPS to my CDX which has added another dimension to CD, although mainly I listen to vinyl. The XPS hummed like mad, Naim said there was nothing they could do, so I added ( somewhat reluctantly) an Audiolab DC block.

Hum now almost Zero and no audible degradation in sound quality


Just finished Bruckner 7.


It looks like splitting the racks will be really tight and then you have the problem of being right next to the speaker.

I ended up taking a sofa out completely and moved to a 3 rack system and moving the boxes on to their own separate wall.

It depends on far you want to go. And also if you’re happy with how it is. The stack you have is really high. Other option is speakers either side of TV. You may need longer cables. And then two stacks in current alcolve.


What a nice room ! Love the oven!


I was thinking of the two racks on the side wall at 90° to the speaker. It depends how much space there is to the left of the sofa.

That would take up less space. But would it look as good?

Jazz Milano, Hiromi, 5 novembre 2023.


Superb QS, just superb!

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We were at the same concert! Did you enjoy it? How did you find the acoustics of the concert hall?

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Cool, wet and foggy here on the West Coast of Canada. Listening to a jazz standards playlist., though the naim system is on the other side of the house, the volume is up as the fire tonight too cozy.


which orchestra and conductor?

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