Pink Floyd sells rights

I guess at $400 million it can be called riding the gravy train


Humble beginnings? Didn’t he goto Cambridge?


Don’t know ? Humble beginnings as a musician as most band members started out

Amazing, hats off to all of them in the music business


Born in Cambridge and began studying A-Level modern languages at the Cambridgeshire College of Arts and Technology. He didn’t finish the course but is fluent in French…


Never doubted it.

Thank you posting that , good that it is not behind a pay wall

Ah I thought he went to the Cambridge, lol


How much of this goes to the taxman? How much do they actually get?

A truly astonishing amount of money! I do applaud Gilmour for his philanthropic gestures and he is certainly far more mentally stable and balanced than the narcissistic dreadful old windbag that is Roger Waters.

I was thinking though can you imagine being his Son or Daughter and inheriting that kind of wealth? I could spend the rest of my life just arsing about listening to music, watching films, travelling, reading and never have to even think about getting a regular job! That’s freedom that is…

I am blessed or perhaps cursed to have a couple of relatives by marriage who are staggeringly wealthy - not wealthy by middle class professional standards but utterly rolling in millions wealthy and I have to say it’s hard not to envy the kind of freedom that buys you. They hardly work at all and one Brother in law is currently touring Thailand for a month in abject luxury - and this after taking the entire summer off to spend it at his absolutely gorgeous £15m Majorcan villa, which frankly is like something you’d expect a Bond bad guy to be living in! When the alarm goes off for me at 4am as it frequently does and I’m heading into work on my 90 mile round trip commute for another long working day which leaves little time for leisure pursuits, it’s hard not to think about life and how little time most of us get to really stop and smell the roses.

There really is a gigantic chasm between how most people spend their lives working and others get to spend the bulk of their time doing precisely what they want and enjoying themselves. I’ve been watching some of the Gary’s Economics youtube channel and pondering his question why we tax work so heavily in relation to wealth and it’s certainly given me pause for thought…



Dave grew up in Cambridge, and his dad was a lecturer at the university, but DG never went there. He never went to uni anywhere, bumming around doing odd jobs (male model, delivery driver) before going semi-pro and then professional, as a musician.

All of the Floyd were respectably middle class. Rick’s dad was head of chemistry at Unigate Dairies; Syd’s dad was a doctor (and a leading mycologist) at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge and his mum was a teacher; her best friend was also a teacher, one Mary Waters, mother of Rog; Nick’s father Bill was a famous film-maker and was positively rolling in it. All went to polytechnic/art school in London but none of them completed their courses.


It is amazing that Waters and Gilmour managed to agree on selling the catalogue. May be the sale agreement says Waters wrote all the songs and Gilmour is just a guitar player who the played all the difficult bass parts.


There seems to be some bitter, jealous people on here.

All I say is good luck to the band. Wish I was a penny behind them.


So humble that when a very good of mine’s 20 year old daughter got over her shyness to approach him for an autograph and very apologetically said that her father and brother where huge fans ( which they are) was cut off by DG mid sentence with a curt No.

Also so humble that when an electrician I know working on DG’s house in Hove asked for a selfie was also told No.

Not good at all Bob - how disappointing… You’d hope that these stars might actually remember whose money and enthusiasm put them there. McCartney always seems to manage to be gracious to fans as far as I can tell. He apparenlty asks them to put the selfie phone away and just have a chat which to me seems entirely reasonable. He’s also notorious for riding buses around Liverpool and despite quite frankly being the greatest living composer and rock star in the world it doesn’t seem to have gone to his head from everything I have read and seen. Many could do with learning from his example!



I hardly think declined autographs and selfies makes them a terrible person. Surely we’re not judging people’s character on this? :thinking:

He must have been asked for his autograph a million times and may have got fed up with it.


Think you might be sailing very close to the Politics ban with this??

It’s because they are broke from ploughing their savings into Naim boxes :grin:


The Grand Parade Of Moral Superiority Packaging, more like.


Maybe not entirely bored but oddly I enjoyed some of the less eulogised releases than the popular ones.

I’ve penned a few tunes in my time. Never had success with any of them, which just goes to show how unfair life is.

I’d gladly sell them all to the highest bidder. Good on the Floyd.