Planet Rock - The 50 Greatest Rock Albums of All Time

Same here … nine out of fifty

20 I think.

It’s not even a rock album :saluting_face:

Kurt Cobain must be turning in his grave being included in that list


If you Google (other search engines available) “Greatest rock albums” you’ll find probably more than 50 variations on this list :joy:

What does “Greatest” even mean… most sales, most votes, most record company promotion $$$$…

I vote for “This Is Spinal Tap” , followed closely by “The Pick of Destiny” :+1:

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I have 31 of them, but pretty much all of them from when I was in my teens and early twenties when I used to buy everything a band I liked brought out.

It’s a list of rock albums from a time when people used to buy rock albums.

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I’m only missing two from that list. :rofl:

You have my sympathies :rofl: :wink:


Interesting all but 1 of AC/DCs 5 albums are Bon Scott era.

Definitely not my list, no Lou Reed or Velvet Underground.

As a fellow ‘Ozzie’, I thought you’d have got his name right :joy:

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Yep, I’m not sure if that was fat fingers or that damn Siri. Cheers. :grin:

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