PMC 25 26i vs Kudos Titan 707

They cost waay beyond what I intend to spend (£5-6k). The only reason i considered the 707s was because I was offered a used pair for cheap

707 for 6k ? :face_holding_back_tears:

Ah - ok

Secondhand buys you more! (And speakers last for decades)

As a T505 owner I really, really love these speakers but they are fussy with placement and the sound didn’t “lock in” until I placed them exactly how Kudos suggest they should be set-up in the room. Give them (all Kudos Titans that is) the time and care they deserve and u=you will be rewarded with an incredibly cohesive and musical sound that I haven’t found with other speakers.

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I must be an outlier……I love my 707’s


Yeah, 6 years old but upon checking with Kudos I was advised that they were shipped to Germany when built so I don’t really know how they were handled, etc.

£6k may sound cheap compared to £17k but it is still a hell of a lot of money for a pair of speakers.

What’s the problem when they where shipped to Germany. The box is rock solid. It’s a good price! Really good compared to its original price.
And - it’s a hell lot of money

I have placed them 2m apart, no toe in and they fire down the 8m length of an 8x5.5m room which is well furnished. They are 1m from the side walls and 700mm from the back. Behind them there are a set of very thick and heavy curtains.

I can hear the sound difference compared to my current cheap Focals however I don’t think it is that huge to justify the price difference (even at a discount).

There’s no problem with that per se but I don’t know if these speakers were used for demo purposes and if that is the case they would have been all over the place. Somehow they have made their way back to UK and used for demo again.

But the main issue is that I am not impressed by the sound tbh. Bass is thin and the sound is a bit vague, a bit vanilla. It’s a nice wide soundstage but something it’s missing.

On top of that they are big and quite overpowering.

This is just my view by the way.

All fine - thin bass with 707 is not what it should be. More the opposite …
My 606 had brought bass as I never thought possible - soundstage and detail.
Kudos are very neutral - that could lead to the impression that something is missing when coming from more coloured speakers

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I think it’s the integration of the tweeter and bass driver that makes the 606s better, at least for me, than the 707s. The 707s are really good but they just didn’t speak to me in the same way. I’d heard them driven active earlier that year and they did sound great so I was fully expecting to put an order in after a proper dem. However, the 606s were just so “right”.

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Like my 606 as well … very much :slight_smile:

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Something amiss as thin bass is definitely not something you can accuse them of.


If they sound good and have nothing cosmetic that concerns you, it doesn’t matter.

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