PMC 25.2x Actives vs Passives

Agree @GraemeH, see my entry above.

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One thing about active speakers people tend to forget is when asking questions like, “Is the built-in amp in these active speakers better than this expensive external power amp I have?” It doesn’t need to be better. It just needs to tailor fit for the drive units it’s attached to.

An external power amp has to try and be good at everything. It has no idea what it will be driving. A power amp attached to a tweeter, for example, can have terrible performance below 1.5Khz and it really doesn’t matter as long as it performs will in the band it is driving under the reactive load presented by the tweeter.

It’s common for active speakers to employ amps the are reliable but as all rounders, sub par. Yet they excel at the specific narrowly defined task they are assigned.


Sounds promising.

Go on, you know you want to.



What does the ‘Sensitivity ±‘ switch on the back panel do?


The sensitivity switch can be used to adjust the overall loudspeaker gain to suit your source equipment. Switching from the default high setting to the low setting reduces the gain by
10dB, suitable for particularly loud signal sources.

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Did you get a definitive answer HH? I suspect they have the same streaming platform.
I must say an Atom HE into PMC actives is appealing both from a sound and simplicity perspective……

Sadly not, only advice to listen and decide, which is the best advice really. I seem to recall reading that the Nova has a better preamp than the Atom HE and possibly a better volume control. I know that the headphone amp of the HE forms its output stage. The Nova has a more comprehensive preamp. What differences these make I don’t know.

Thank you for your update. Will have to wait until someone hears them ‘in the flesh’ so to speak. Look forward to hearing peoples comments

sorry, I understood that this price is for AMP/CROSS only but now I see here are the prices;


Active twenty5i series Active twenty5 upgrade kit
Active twenty5.21i £3,975 Active twenty5.21 upgrade £1,795
Active twenty5.22i £5,275 Active twenty5.22 upgrade £1,795
Active twenty5.23i £5,975 Active twenty5.23 upgrade £1,795
Active twenty5.24i £7,975 Active twenty5.24 upgrade £1,795"

How long can interconnect be then , if Pre-amp is aside and not beetween active speakers?

There is no hard and fast rule, and it depends primarily how good the interconnect’s screening might be (not necessarily related to sound character), and the electromagnetic fields through which the cable passes, notably the proximity and orientation of mains wiring, including in-wall or under floor, or feeding the active speakers! In many cases with decent interconnects cable runs might of up to maybe 5m or so may well be fine but it could be quite a bit less, or more.

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