Pmc Prodigy 1, to 5 to

Pmc prodigy 1’s (demo model so run in) been on all day and I have to say they are fantastic. My previous pmc’s the 20.21 I found bass light and thin in the mids with too much treble. These are a different animal with lovely fast and deep tuneful bass with a great presence in the mids so vocals hang in the room. Treble is still a tad strong but it’s not rough and deffo on a par with my scm11’s (which I no longer own) . They are easier to accommodate than the ls50 with front ‘port’ and have a much nicer and bigger soundstage. Might order the grills as not sure on the trim rings but they may grow on me.
Compared to the 25.21i I’d say they are slightly softer which for me is a good thing, so if you want a small speaker that punches above its price point then I would deffo recommend these.


Not that i was interested i was gobsmacked when i heard the Fact 12 crossover upgrade was £4k…….when they can make these great speakers for so much less. Sounds like a steal


I bet these would be great with the Naim Nait50


They are… had an hr with that combo Thursday…


They look very smart and sounds like they hit the spot.

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By way of update and listening for a few days, I keep thinking of a bit more bass needed… I may try the Prodigy 5 or exdem 25.21i which go a bit lower on paper, and/ or see what Tony at basically sounds suggests… no rush as rather get this right and stop changing.


Have you considered experimenting with a sub?

I’d be happy with a small rel but for some reason my wife would rather have floorstanders than a sub in the lounge. She might consider otherwise when she sees they are not a nice piece of furniture like previous floorstanders we’ve had!

I’ve been completely happy with the bass from my 21is. It’s always tight but can go very low, and listening to a jazz quartet right now, the double bass is fine. It will never flap the old trousers, but better that than the loose and bass, bordering on boom, that one so often hears.


What size is your room HH?

It’s 3.6m wide and 4.5m long, plus the bay. The speakers are on the longer wall and fire across.


Same size and arrangement as mine… interesting, thanks HH!

ok time for a sum up of the last few weekends of auditions…
Prodigy 1 is a fantastic little speaker which projects an images superbly with lighting fast bass and very good treble, I was so close to buying these and the only doubt i had was the bass while well presented was just a bit to lean in my room and a sub has been vetoed. So on paper the perfect solution was the P5 with its 35 hz reach… The P5 is a very different animal to the P1 with a more laid back presentation (in my room) and the extra depth and texture to male vocals was noticeable, oh and the bass!. Initially i was bowled over by it its speed , depth and texture and i thought bingo, I’ve found the speaker i have been seeking. But playing over a couple of days and differing genres it was clear that my listening seat must be in a bass null as other seats in the room suffered from thick boomy bass… so they went back. Tony at Basically Sound suggested i have a quick spin with Neat Ministras & pmc 25.21i and take one of them home… the neats had fantastic treble with the ribbon tweeter but sounded too much in the upper bass and i could see the rear port being a problem. So with @HungryHalibut advice in my ears i brought home the 25.21i for trial… Bingo! Similar presentation to the P1 with perhaps more treble energy and just a bit more bass that is enough to satisfy… I think i may have found it. They have crystal clear delivery and hang vocals in space and enough fast bass to live with, they are very dependant n signal quality tho, the radio on stream is a bit thin but Quboz is really good. So before they go back ill swap out the chord epic x with its silver to naca5 to see how this changes the top end. Now to start saving.


I found TQ speaker cable works very well with PMC speakers. I used TQ Black. Might be worth a try before you jump onto something else.

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That’s a good shout. I used TQ Black when I had PMC previously. I have Kudos KS-1 with my 21is and am very happy with it; like the Epic it’s a silver plated copper cable. I did consider the TQ but I need to tuck in under the limestone slab of the fireplace, and the flat design makes 90° bends a challenge.

Hopefully @Hifi-dog the 21is will work for you. They do take an age to run in. The dem pair I borrowed were about three years old and well used, and the new ones sounded quite tight and constricted. It’s worth the wait though, and they do go very well with a Nova. We were listening to the R3 live broadcast of Wagner’s Parsifal on Saturday and the voices, particularly the deep male parts, were stunningly good. How such small speakers can get such a full sound is amazing. I guess that’s why they cost £2,800 with stands.

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excellent! got to return the demo ones as they are white and that’s a deffo no…interestingly i have just removed the naim glass etc, with the nova now on top of the isoblue and that’s softened the upper treble and filled out the upper bass slightly. Ill wait until i get a pair of 25.21i’s before making any changes.
Thanks for the encouragement Nigel!

Our demo pair was the piano black, and they show every scratch and fingerprint. Being demos they were worse than you’d get at home, but dusting will scratch them for sure. We also ruled out white, so were left with oak or walnut. We have lots of light wood, so went for the walnut as a bit of a contrast. I think it’s the best colour, and isn’t too jarring against the black of the stands. Assuming you get the stands, put in the 0.5L of filler that PMC recommend. Too much will deaden the sound, as I discovered after not reading the instructions first.


Nice write up Phil, plenty of frogs to kiss before you find your princess when it comes to speakers.


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Know what you mean, I had gloss black dynaudio evokes and I used a good car wax and then a ceramic sealant and they seemed impervious to dusting scratches, provided the ceramic was re applied, and boy did they shine!

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