PMC upgrade

A couple of months ago I swapped the old FAC 12 crossovers for the new ones. The price (£4,000) is a bit ouchy but I got a very good discount (still ouchy though!). The swapover is designed as something an idiot can do, however I fluttered my eyelashes at the dealer and he was more than willing to come over and install them for me. They looked very simple to install but I didn’t trust my Parkinson’s that far.

Once in place the 12s become 12i’s as that’s the only difference. There was an immediate difference, but I thought I’d wait a while for any burn in to happen before squealing in delight.

One of the design features of their flagship speakers, the Fenestria was to reduce microphony as much as possible so they went on a hunt for materials for the cross-over components that featured this. They then used those materials to construct the 12i cross-over.

The result after 2 months is magical, and it jolly well should be at the price. The mid-range is sweeter, and the bass deeper yet more controlled (everything seems more controlled). Fun House at glass vibrating volume is awesomely thunderous. Imaging is greater and somehow throws artifacts outside the speaker placements (and yes I have checked for all connections being the right way round).

Albums that used to sound dodgy now sound OK and favourite demo standard albums (Land Of Grey And Pink I, I’m looking at you) leave me in another world.

A possible downside? They are noticeably harder to drive. After a boisterous listening session with a friend I noticed the volume control was at 12, something I don’t think I’ve done before, though the 500 dealt with them without breaking sweat.


Having heard the honourable Mr Lees updated Fact 12s, I can concur. Outrageously expensive though they may have been - discount notwithstanding - his system sounds utterly tremendous.