Poll - New firmware: sound upgrade or downgrade?

I’d like to have your feedback about the sonic improvements heard after installing the new firmware update. I’m reluctant about installing the new firmware as there is no going back.

Of course it will depend on each system, room, ears and personal preferences…

With your system, the sound after new firmware update has:

  • Improved
  • Not improved
  • Deteriorated

0 voters

Or maybe, no difference noticed??? The above feels slightly biased, sorry. To be frank, I am not sure what all the fuss is about…might just be me mind you :rofl:


This is the problem.

While I can understand the support team have agreements with service providers and that they’d prefer everyone to be ‘up to date’ for their particular streamer, at least currently there is no compulsion to upgrade whatsoever, you simply can’t revert (or at least not offered the option).

I’d imagine 90% or more of customers use current firmware, but there will still be some who either have no idea there’s an update available or choose to stick with what they have.

It would be a sad day if updates were automatic and forced on the user, so at least we have that.

Upgrade mostly very positive for me I think.


I agree, while I have never tried to take one track and do a pre and post FW upgrade comparison, I can’t say I have ever noticed a difference. Mind you, I probably listen to too much Motorhead to have analytical hearing!


I think that at the end of day, if you are concerned about potential changes in sound on your streamer with firmware updates, then you shouldn’t be streaming.

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Just do it, I’m sure Naim knows what they’re doing. As with the nDAC, there was a clear improvement with the last firmware release, imo.


SN3 + HCDR & NDX 2 + XPS DR. Some additional RFI/EMI mitigation also applied.

Solid improvement for me after a FFR.

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Agreed! Plus…life is too short!


At what point will new products leaving the factory have the new firmware already installed before they hit the retail outlets?

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I would imagine right after the firmware production / stable release was formally made available, new products born at the factory would have the latest one installed. It would seem software updates released by Naim are few and far between, I’ve had to update the firmware on my ASUS RT-AX86U (zaku edition) router at least 7-8 times during my ownership.

Sometimes Naim even releases to production firmware that hasn’t been released for general use, usually because it contains a fix for a hardware change needed to accommodate supply chain issues.


This is a personal choice, I typically keep mine current and can’t say over the versions I’ve felt worse off after upgrading. There’s also the fact that there’s things outside of the scope of the firmware itself that might determine an individuals response or characterisation of what their system is doing and how well it is performing. Every listening environment is unique and plays a part in how the system is performing, even if we all had identical hardware, the rooms aren’t. Even if 100% of the poll vote for an improvement, it doesn’t mean you’ll also get one by default and with any sort of guarantee.
Naim don’t release these updates that often either, they are tested internally and in beta groups for extended periods of time and include updates to support features or requirements Naim are downstream of from the streaming service providers. So even if there are audible changes, it’s not necessarily the case that the changes are entirely within the control of Naim or their hardware, the streaming services these devices support are all provided by 3rd parties.

My Nova system sounds much better. I was impressed by the Nova before the update. My two Qb2 and NSS 333-NPX300 sounds fantastic as they ever did.

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Even if most of the people are veery happy with the fw, I think one main issue is that there is a change in sound signature - as the poll shows.
And if this had been known to before, I would probably not have updated as early or have refused to do so.


That’s exactly how it is with Auralic. Updates are automatic and you can’t opt out. They claim that means owners always have boxes performing optimally,or something like that.


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I think there are a couple of things going on here with the FW update. And I must start by saying that until the recent one I’ve generally been very pleased with the performance gains that new Naim FW updates have given me.

However, the update for me has been (struggles for the rights word) ‘variable’ to say the least. My system has been sounding pretty spectacular for the last several months. That is until the upgrade was installed. Since then I’ve had a roller-coaster ride with the system sounding okay to almost unlistenable back to sounding okay again, so there does appear to be some sort of ‘settling’ period required, which for me seemed to have been around 10 days. The common thread, within most peoples descriptions, is of it sounding very bright with a more pronounced bass - kind of more hifi, less music. This has been the exactly the same for me but I’ve now managed a couple of sessions where this issue has all but disappeared, giving a very resolving sound signature.

I’m just wondering if, during the testing and beta stages, this ‘settling’ effect was less pronounced or less noticed by the team and therefore perhaps forgotten about or, at least, underestimated when it came to hundreds of us doing the update at the same time?

I’ve personally spoken to Naim support and they did make me feel very confident that they will get any persistent SQ issues sorted out pretty quickly, so I will try to enjoy the new firmware until the new patches come out.


I only had very few sessions where it sounded ok - mostly it is back to its sound signature which I „tuned away“ with loads of money and 500dr boxes.
I have also spoken to naim and hope / am confident very much for a nice solution soon.

Though to a much lesser degree than you describe, I did notice this variability as well.

Then 80% in this thread will be disappointed since it will sound worse than today.

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That is very true but it seem that it’s hit ND owners with bigger systems more than others. Maybe something to do with the resolution the system shows?