Poll - New firmware: sound upgrade or downgrade?

I’ve been messing around with the input selection and ground switch again today. I also found I liked input 2 on but I’m finding it much harder to do something about the bass.

On acoustic tracks it just about okay but on anything that’s bass heavy it sounds terrible, much too predominant, very soft sounding with no start/stop edges and lacking any real shape or tone. It just rumbles along like a cheap subwoofer! Switching over to the Node on exactly the same song and instantly the bass sounds less predominant but so much more detailed, controlled and natural. The difference is actually shocking. I’m also listening to Radio Paradise on the Node in 320kbs and on the ND in hi-def and the Node still manages to sounds better. As I’ve said in an earlier post the more I listen to the Node the more I think there’s something now fundamentally wrong with the ND’s presentation of music!

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How many times have you powered off (unplugged and discharged the PS caps) and rebooted the ND555? Has Naim support given you any other suggestions?

When you initially added a 2nd 555PSDR you claimed this. Maybe you still have the same problem but you listen with “new” ears now. Ears can start to focus on certain audio frequencies to much and get into a bad state which can be tough to get out of. Has happened to me too.

Currently running on one ps.
Sound is darker and has more rough boogie - with a lot of emotion but also some edges :rofl:
Which I really like is the mega deep soundstage with some kind of kudos like liquid sound. With 2nd ps it was too much (for me) and a bit dry.

I was also very surprised but sometimes personal preference and room acoustics can do its deal.
From a technical point 2ps are better. But with 1ps it touches me more.
For me it should trigger the emotional effect - regardless from more space or resolution.

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I’ve powered things down three times over the last ten days and done the hard reset. Absolutely no difference whatsoever!


I can confirm that too. I also hear differences after the firmware update with ND5XS2 (streamer only) into NDac/XPS, albeit to a modest extent. The effect probably cannot be avoided completely by separating the streamer and DAC.


Hi DB - I am experiencing the same issues. And like somebody mentioned I feel that the systems with two ps’s on the ND555 are most affected. I don’t know what to do to get the attention at Naim, but it definitely annoys me as it makes a lot of the music I like to edgy and tiring to listen to. Going back to the firmware before would be a blessing.

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A firmware update which keeps what people like but cleans-up the top-end may perhaps happen ahead.

Meanwhile I’ve managed to get mine to behave enough for most music I’m playing now.

The Bass is not an issue - I have mine very tight now but I had to go through all settings to get there. Even setting ‘Favorites: off’ helped remove a tendency to bloom. My system with Active S800 does show-up bass problems and it is presently happy - but I did previously tune my system for the extra Bass the S1 Pre gave (I had to seperate all my Amp mains transformers by more than a standard level) and that may help here.

For the Bass tuning I find a track that has a rediculous but tight bass, like on mylene farmer’s anamorphosée album ‘Alice’ and as that is having its way with my system it is very obvious what works better and worse on the settings.

But I agree it should not be down to having to do this and I’ve heard many versions of the software before this enough to know there is room to get it right now Naim know to test it with ND555 and 2xPS as well.

Lets see what happens - I aim to be as positive on this ahead as I do manage to hit good configs that allow me to enjoy my music and that is the lifeline I need.



We have a separate DAC and hear a SQ change with updated firmware,

Whatever the firmware has done changes the digital out too.


I am so with you. Tried again this evening to listen a bit. After 20 min I am done. This is no status for us. Please send an email to naim support.
I want the blessing as well - with all my heart!

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Guess it is a bit disappointing that you’ve bought something because you liked the sound only to have it changed via an update. I always though that any change in how a product sounds should be based on getting it to sound as close to “live” as possible.


What have you got AirPlay and Bluetooth set to DB?


FWIW I have everything disabled except forAirPlay and Chromecast.

I have noticed a slight increase in bass and an increase in upper treble detail that is not accompanied by that much textural information and so a little thin/brittle, but it’s not been anything to spoil my enjoyment of the music.

And that’s with an ND555 with 2xPSU, PhoenixNet and Shunyata Omega.

Hi Mike

It’s interesting that you note some changes that seem relatively minor and which don’t spoil you enjoyment, yet Drago cannot listen for more than 20 minutes. You both have two power supplies and the Omega cables. How can people find such differences in the impact of the new firmware? Are you less sensitive? Is Drago overdramatising? What else might be going on?

different speakers perhaps, either way the underlying issue is still there

Pretty much sums up my opinion too and that’s with a lowly NDX2, I presume you meant not that much textural info

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Normally this is the first to come to mind. BUT - as Geko wrote, there are several others who are really upset. In my case (maybe room and speaker?) it is not only thin and brittle with less detail - it is harsh and shouty. This first difference is enough to worry about - harsh and shouty (plinky plonky piano) is the disturbing part.
I can listen for more than 20 min - but than I pull down the volume and know that there is so much missing.

Please note - its not only me!
And in the end nearly all of us are noticing differences in sound.

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Please don’t think I was saying it’s only you, I know it’s not. But the degree of unhappiness covers quite a range. I was just wondering how much the PS and Ethernet thing might be causing the issue - certainly you and geko have the same - but you’ve said it’s the same with alternative cables and one PS. So there’s nothing obvious there. Still, it was worth asking.

It’s terribly upsetting when something one was really happy with goes awry and we can just hope that Naim can resolve it. Did you get around to joining the beta group? It could be really helpful.


:slight_smile: THANKS a lot for understanding. I wrote to naim to join the beta group!




Radio improvement and ease of use is night and day!


Thanks for mentioning that! I’m listening to it for the first time now (wjile working, sadly). Haven’t got to Alice yet…

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