Poll - New firmware: sound upgrade or downgrade?

I mean they Naim does not have the reputation to be the fastest company in the world. It might take many months for a solution. If it is unlistenable right now I would at least consider that path myself until it’s fixed. You don’t make such changes in a couple of weeks in a controlled development environment.

When it will take too long there will be some (or more) very unsatisfied customers - the ones who spend a lot of money. As mentioned, I really trust in their dedication to their products and customers, who are now in need for a fix.
When it takes too long, I will rather sell it than spend money for an interim solution.

Current result. 94% (170) neutral/positive and 6% (11) negative.


Please don’t forget that all customers are important, not just those with deep pockets. It would be unfortunate if you assumed a level of entitlement. People can get just as much enjoyment from an Atom, and they matter just as much.


Sorry - never would meant that. Everyone counts in the same way. Even with a cable bought only!
It’s ony of my personal values that there is no such preference for anyone! Please excuse if it came across that way.




Maybe Simon has some entry with Naim?

I can see Pareto’s law coming into play here? That’s the law of the vital few! Something we used in manufacturing quite a lot. It’s a very powerful statistic and helps you focus your resources in the right places. Also, if I were Naim, I wouldn’t be too happy with the fact that 6% of people in the pole are finding things worse. As a ‘six sigma’ result that is really pretty poor. In my world of manufacturing a result like that would not be tolerated and my team would all be looking for other jobs.


Please please please don’t get started on one of those ‘people should lose their jobs’ rants, it’s really not helpful.

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If it was hardware that was released and customers evaluated the products at home on trial and you got a 72% improved result and 6% worse I would be super happy owning that company. Good sales to come! Those that thought it’s worse stay with what they have. Business grow, all customers happy with where they’re at.

The challenge here is if Naim on purpose made a change to the sound signature when you have not asked for it, nor accepted it since it wasn’t listed in the change log and you have no roll back option. Then you force a change onto the customers which to me is not ok even if some find it better. I believe this one slipped through in the rush releasing Tidal Connect / Max support and Radio updates. All the combinations of boxes now available including new and old classic will almost be impossible to verify properly and as I understand it the beta group might be on the thin side to give any valid data. Or in need of an update when their ears get older…

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Good question………there are some tracks where the highs are a bit too much. But i wonder if i would have thought this too much without the thread?


Don’t worry that’s not my objective but at the same time 6% doesn’t sound like a lot and could have the potential to be ignored or maybe not taken too seriously. I was just making comparisons to the norm you would see in other industries with quality/performance issues on these levels. I’m confident that Naim will sort this out eventually, so I will leave it there.

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Why do you believe that? You have no idea how long the development and testing time was.

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They got the SDK from Streaming Unlimited this spring when it was released. That’s the implementation window. Lindemann which have much less boxes (also use Streaming unlimited) were a couple of months earlier out than Naim. Naim having a big amount of boxes and combinations increase the risk a lot for things to slip. I just find it very strange if Naim themselves including beta testers could not discover this issue (if it’s real) on their highest level components. If they didn’t forget to listen on ND555 with TWO 555PSDR that is. Jason Gould should be able to detect it in 5 seconds if it’s as obvious as some claim here. A fix making 100% happy will be very complicated since such a large group find it sounds better than before…

I’ve updated my Atom with the new firmware. I can’t say for sure that it represents an upgrade, but my Atom/Iotas sound fabulous…

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Yes, 6% is a lot but remember that it’s based on a very small sample. Those going on the Forum is a very small slice of Naim owners. That said, if people have issues it needs looking at, but given all the permutations it doesn’t look like it’s going to be easy.

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Trust me - it is real. There are some folks here (and others will be more) that have a massive dislike.
For me it is simple. I own a 40k streamer (which does not give me more value than others) and it was damaged during an update. I expect a fix to come.

As far as i understand Jason is/has been off for a long deserved hip operation. There are many others that sign off on SQ………they probably signed off the SQ change of the NC kit. There maybe a directional change going on, who-really knows.

You will doubt now every time. Sorry, I am responsible. :weary:

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Not something that comes up from one year to the next in my world but bizarrely, that’s the second time today I have seen Pareto’s law referred to.

Absolutely nothing to do with the thread, just a curious coincidence!

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