Position of separates and sources

I received my new Ear 534 power amp. It’s tall, so it needs to be on the Lovan rack.
The PhoenixNet needs to be near the router.
The Lovan rack needs to be at the place of the Fraimlite, because the longer of the speakers cables will be too short. So the Fraimlite has to be at the Lovan rack place.

What’s the best solution:

Lovan. Fraimlite
P10. EAR 912
NDS. Melco
PhoenixNet. Rega ps
EAR 534. 555 dr


P10. EAR 912
555 dr. NDS
PhoenixNet MELCO

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Out of interest, has this stopped the problems you were having?


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yes, total silence of both speakers, even when volume high.

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Excellent. Great result.


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