Possible room treatment?

Photo below shows my listening position. I have two questions:

  1. Given how close the wall is behind me, is it actually worth doing any treatment on it, as the time for any rebound to ear is almost zero?
  2. If worth it, is there something I can use to fill the inside of the framed canvases I’ve already got?

Suggestions and thoughts please…

Edited to add picture! :joy:


@Neil0001 hi … there’s no picture below :sweat_smile:

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Interesting topic… I , too has the same issue, cos my system is in a room-a game room , I try not to lean to close the wall , as much as I can , to avoid , at least some reflection . Am also thinking how to improve the re-bounce .

Usually I open the door to my room to let some sound escape

Yeah… I know… sorted! lol


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Acoustic panels may help , cos I am looking at some proposals too , not only behind but also at the speakers area,for me

Lovely paintings

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My understanding is that the shorter the delay between the original and reflected sound reaching the ears the more it smears/mudfles the sound - and bear in mind that that close to the wall the reflected sound will be barely diminished at all in level

As for the pictures, how effective something might be is likely to depend on the acoustic porosity of the canvas (probably better if a print with ink than if an oil painting) and how much depth there is behind. If the canvas is quite porous to sound, I suppose if there isn’t enough depth behind you might be able to add strips of wood behind the frame to create sufficient space. Hanging absorbers seem to start at a minimum if about 50mm depth.


yeah I have a little question, we’re all more than familiar with GIK pretty much on a global scale, so as being here in the united kingdom Scotland more importantly are there other acoustic panel companies in the uk and what are the pros and cons of the other companies against GIK ?

I’ve no idea where GIK originated, but they appear to be one of the better suppliers of acoustic treatment products, but they are certainly not the only one. I have been impressed by their willingness to provide a free, no obligation, service to help find acoustic solutions (yes of course, recommended treatment products would be theirs). If looking at alternatives, I would be wary of any that don’t publish performance test data for their products - and among these I would note that there seem to be a lot of suppliers of foam based absorbers and traps, and hearsay suggests that they are not all as effective as advertising might lead people to believe.

If you are competent at DIY it is also possible to make your own absorbers/traps at a fraction of the cost of similar commercial ones, and lots of info on the internet both fir tuned traps and broadband absorbers. dIY has a singular advantage that you can custom build to suit specific positions in the room if standard products don’t fit well.

I have exactly the same issue, have just ordered a large canvas , the wife’s choice of image, after speaking to GIK at the Bristol show about what they use I have decided I will pack the back with acoustic insulation and see how it goes, they did suggest a panel depth of 50mm for maximum benefit, I will try 25mm as the panel depth is only 30mm , be interesting to hear if it helps, always have the option to try another material behind the panel if the Rockwool doesn’t work.


Did they suggest what rockwool density to use? My understanding is the higher the better, e.g. 45kg/m3 or better still 60, rather than, say, 12 or 20

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I thought that’s for bass, and for high frequencies too dense could end up being reflective ? But I’m no expert, just recalling something I think I read.

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Hi IB it was pretty busy and there were a few people waiting to have a chat so unfortunately didn’t get anymore information.
There seem to be various types of material that are used guessing it’s a matter of trying a few different options and see what sort of results I end up with.
Any positive results will be a bonus, never thought I would even get a chance to try any type of room correction, my good lady is very tolerant but there are limits😉

Ah, possibly. I haven’t made any myself, though may do before long), but my main interest is lower frequencies as that is the problem area in my room, given long distance from side and rear walls - but good idea to check before doing!.

As you will know bass performance is linked to pressure and nodes and nothing to do with reflections whatsoever. The mids and highs on the other hand are all about reflections and in the OP’s case having his head so close to a rear wall is less than satisfactory. I had the same situation and after much trial and error went for a row of Vicoustic Cinema Round panels directly above my sofa at seated head height which provided a nice improvement to the sound in all the obvious ways without taking away the energy and vigour of the sound which can happen IME with too much treatment.

Except that nodes are a result of reflections!

Hi Neil, I have the same sofa up against the wall situation here … a large cushion behind my head works for both comfort and reflection treatment :slightly_smiling_face: I have been known to doze off occasionally though :slightly_smiling_face:


@Mark63 lol … I did that too , but I dozed off. So I stop doing that :sweat_smile: