Hi all, first post on here. I’m hoping you guys can help me.
I have (and am loving) an Atom HE with Focal Clear MGs as, these days, I listen through headphones more often than not. However, I do like to listen with speakers too, so I picked up some 2nd hand Neat Motive SX3s which I’m powering with a Nait 5i which I had left over from my previous system, making use of the Atom as a streamer/preamp.
Obviously by using an integrated amp I am duplicating electronics unnecessarily, so I’m interesting in trading it in for a power amp. My question is, which NAP would I need to see an upgrade in sound from the 5i? The speakers are on stands but it is a fairly near-field set up.
A used 100 appeals as it keeps the physical size of the system down but I don’t want to bother if I won’t see an improvement in sound. What about a 200 or 250? Any other suggestions are also most welcome.
Given the Neats are not very sensitive I would imagine they respond well to a powerful amp. I’ve had a NAP200 in the past and I feel it’s very underrated and hence should be good value used. It’s powerful and transparent.
The DR version won’t add anything to the Atom since it’s only the pre amp power supply that got DR’d.
Until a few months ago I ran SX3s from a NAIT XS3. I now run a 42.5/HiCap/110, and it sounds better than my XS3. I don’t think you’ll have trouble with any NAP, despite the lowish sensitivity of the Neats.
The Motive SX3 is the best speaker I have had and regret selling it. Had others up to 4x the price, more detail and bass e.t.c but the Neat SX3 was so musical.
However, it lacked scale and bass (it was too light on bass even compared to other stand mounts).
I replaced it with the Neat Petite Classic and never was happy with it, totally different voicing and sound compared to the Motive series. Its a shame Neat dropped the Motive range to go all in on the AMT ribbon tweeter, which IMO does not sound as real (to me it sounds more hi-fi).
Yes, any Naim poweramp (almost) will improve performance vs a 5i amp.
A 250 comes in many different editions, it really depends on your budget.
A 250 will have much more control with your Motives.
Mind you many Naim poweramps use the same basic circuit with differences in powersupply regulation and transistors. - Not that I have a clue technically. I do know source first matters.
Don’t be afraid of the little Nap 100, its a bargain nowadays, easy on level with fresh Nap 110/140 - of course there’s differences.
Actually I prefer my two Nap 100 to both Nap 150X and Nap 200, I run them as L/R mode with a Qute 2 upstairs on TV setup.
The good thing is you can buy second hand and sell on easy if not to your expectations.
BTW I have the very same loudspeakers, and have had the two floor stand editions too, they are just really good at current prices.
A NAC202/NAP200 DR would be very much at home with a pair of SX3s. Wonderful speakers. Make sure your source is up to snuff though. Something like a NDX 2 would be a wonderful match here.
If it helps, Neat Acoustics’s owner once told me that the Motive range was voiced with Naim’s 5 series in mind, such as CD5i, Nait5i. Whereas his Classic speaker range was voiced more with what we now call Naim’s OC electronics.