Power line on nap 250dr

Hi could anyone advise me plz,iam running a Linn akurate DSM kat with nap 250dr ,if I add a naim power line do you think it would make much difference thanks aceone.

It’s hard to say. PL are most often added as a group to several components or not at all. Sometimes to an all in one box like a Uniti.

In my experience, they are worth it after racking, cabling and positioning are all taken care of. I’m not sure anyone has added just one to a two box system though. If you were inclined to buy one on a punt, I’d be tempted to try it on the Akurate first. Source first and all that.

I started with a powerline for Supercap/Superline to test how it works. It worked so well that I bought four more Powerlines (used) and even the ECS amps are also gaining a lot. Since I also run a mixed system, I can only say that if you can afford it, do it. However, it did not work with the Linn Radikal. The original power cable stayed there.

Definitely helps on my 250DR. Adds a bit of authority and control.

I’m very happy with Powerlines on my 552PS and NAP250DR

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Herman, can you say in what way the power line disappointed on the radikal?

Thanks for the replys so far I think I will try and find one second hand to try.

That question is not easy to answer. In fact I was missing a little bit of musicality, it didn’t fit to my listening habits anymore. Sometimes changes are good, sometimes they are not. It didn’t work out.

Because it took me longer to get all the cables together, I tried again later to see if it worked after all. The cable had been in use for several weeks. Unfortunately it did not work even then.

Completely different of course with SL/SC, 552, NDS/555PS and amps, the sun is rising…

Thanks Hermann, I’ve got one on my radikal at the moment, might try swopping it out for a bit.

I have several power lines in my setup. The one on my Nap250 has made a noticeable difference. The others? Not that much.

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