Power or sub

Hi everyone.
Need a bit of advise please .
My speakers sound briliant with low end when at higher volume
But would like it there also when at a lower level
Should i go for a sub
Get a second Nap 300DR and biamap
Or save up for a Nap 500DR .
Regards Paul

Hi welcome,

A few more details would be useful. Source components, speakers, as a general rule Naim don’t recommend bi-amping. Everything else being equal I’d say 500.



Hi everyone.
Need a bit of advise please .
My speakers sound briliant with low end when at higher volume
But would like it there also when at a lower level
Should i go for a sub
Get a second Nap 300DR and biamap
Or save up for a Nap 500DR .
Regards Paul
Superlumina cables and interconnected
Bowers and wilkins 803D3,s

I think a 500DR…Only because the 803’s are very power hungry. If that doesn’t get it, then Sub’s

I think the B&Ws are one of the few instances where Naim do recommend biamping and because of it’s difficult crossover, a NAP500 might struggle more with the impedence dips than a pair of 250/300s because it’s bridged whereas the other amps aren’t.

But if you go down that route, it would be better to get a non standard interconnect made up to bi-amp with one power amp per speaker rather than one power amp for bass and another for trebble.

You don’t need biamping. You need 135s. I have B&W 800D3s in one room, and B&W Signature 800s in another, both effortlessly driven by Naim 135s. So 803s should be fine. In fact I had 803 D3s for a while, but the upgrade to 800s was worth it.
A 500 might be even better, but cost a lot more.

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