Power Strip

I don’t have the privilege not to be insured…

I either…It’s a headache … I have no faith with any insurance…they ask for a lot of safety measures at home, and I’m not sure when you need them they will be for you…


Not a good idea giving your phone number out on a public forum. Richard will privately put members in touch with each other, if necessary.


No, please don’t be posting personal contact info on any publicly viewable forum. Thanks.

Sorry didn’t knew …thanks

Great…good advice for me,I plugged my 500 to the wall everything from the beginning sound much better,after four days testing latter it’s still stable in the good way…thanks.


It makes a big difference with the 500 in particular I found.
Always nice to have free improvements - always my favorite kind of upgrade. :bear:



Going to try the Merlin taurantula power strip from futureshop. No conditioning and conventionally wired, has an aluminium housing and comes in at £230 with 3m of corresponding turantula mains cable. It doesn’t look very audiophile, more like the strips you get in offices! But it will be hidden so that really doesn’t matter

It`s really a clear upgrade…I was pessimistic about the upgrade…but I was really pleasantly surprised

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I’ve just done the same thing with my 500
What changes did you hear?

Everything sounds more balanced,Bass is more tied and deep,treble are cleaner,There is better separation between the musicians so you hear details you have not heard before.

You know if power conditioners and power strips ect make such a big difference you would have thought Naim would either sell them or include the circuitry on the standard power supplies.

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Rats…its made a noticeable difference…hat soup anybody😅

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Look very similar dont they. One from a well known auction site £25 and the other from a well known hi fi cable site £100

Guess which one i purchased!

Not all bad having found this i can build my own for a fraction of the cost in the future

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I was thinking like you many years ago. My first power strip was a stock Naim Musicline, around 40 euros.
Later I was surprised how much music I was loosing, when I bought my first audiophile powerblock.

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Top one is from merlin, i am thinking they buy the bottom one rebadge and add the IEC plug and sell for a healthy markup

I may buy the bottom one take both apart and compare

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Hi David
I was told by my Naim dealer that here in the US, plugging the amp directly into its own wall socket shouldn’t matter and to leave it in the power strip. Didn’t quite understand the explanation though. So you can try, nothing to lose.I left mine plugged into my power strip. I think we have the same one from AV Options

Maybe they don’t as the same site that sells the £25 version also sells an IEC version for £18!!

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JS, I spent 2 days with the 500 plugged into wall socket.
Went back to all plugged into the AV Options strip.
It lost the magic when plugged into the wall.
Best way I can describe it.

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