Powerline about to be plugged in to my SN3 - expectations!

Very nice. When the kids grow up, I certainly buy a classic motorbike.

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I always thought that the writing on the fuse should align with current direction for best sound. Can’t get our system on a dedicated circuit so I obsessively ensured that all other things plugged into the same ring had MK Toughplugs and Bussmann fuse aligned as I said. Looks like I need to open all the plugs and change them round then!? Or else start being sane again.

Yes, they work a treat with our Melco and Moon kit.

When you re-assembled the plug did you tighten to a specific torque setting? I seem to recall in the Powerline instructions that this was specified. Or was that just the terminal screws? Or was it the plug casing screw as well?

The improvement with our Moon 340ix amp, which is broadly speaking the equivalent of the SN3, was anything but subtle. Much better bass with a lovely bounce, greater authority and dynamics, more presence/immediacy and more easy to follow musical phrasings etc. etc. Certainly not subtle.

The writing has to go in the direction of travel from pin to terminal point.
It sounds backwards otherwise “ satanic messages “

OK that explains why I’ve been dressing in black robes and dancing round the local woods at midnight. I’d better change them.

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