Powerline about to be plugged in to my SN3 - expectations!

I bought a Powerline in Feb but have had the house full of visitors, DIY and bits of work such that I’ve never had a chance to use if with my SN3 in a stable listening environment.

Tomorrows the day!

Will I be chuffed, over / underwhelmed or indifferent?

Bought blind as it was a great price at the time!

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I predict chuffed

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Expectation bias ready to go!

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Preloved Power-Lines are always sought after so if you don’t find it beneficial then it’s a very easy item to move on with little or no financial loss.

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We are on the edge of our seats …

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It will be better but not that much.


I have PL’s on my SN3 & NDX2 and have done back to back tests with the normal PL Lites and cant say I hear much of a difference, if any it’s subtle.

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Well, it’s nice. Subtle, but nice. Some notes last a bit longer, and a tad richer (maybe). It frees up my PL lite for other duties too.


Sounds like my experience. I was surprised that my PowerLine sounded best on my HiCapDr, go figure!

Power-Lines work nicely with non Naim kit too. A very decent cable and not a silly price either, especially if buying pre-loved. As some of these have been around for a quite a few years, it’s worth checking the terminal connections are tight in the mains plug and replacing the fuse with a genuine Bussmann 13A one.

Tidy job I’d put ferrules on the strands to stop this happening.
You got the fuse the right way round too. :+1:t2:
Hope you polished the pins. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Left them as they were from the factory, but I understand what you mean.

Phew :wink:

I’ve not done that since my LP12 days. Where’s my Duraglit…

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Yes excellent on my Vertere PSU.

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Here is how I do mine. :+1:t2:
Before and after.


Very neatly done. I do have some Duraglit in the garage, so I may give my pins a polish, just for old times sake :+1:

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Ahh… Duraglit… I used that stuff to polish up my Norton 650 SS in the 70’s…


I think very pleased

You can always resort to one of the cable burn in topics.