
Just a quickie. I intend to purchase a hydra after your comments on my last topic. I have 1 powerline cable. Which equipment would you recommend plugging it into, my NDX 2 or Nap 250 dr? Thanks

Best supply Powerline should be the main source. :+1:t2:
The rest is up to you. :scream:


I’d try both but I think you’ll find it’s better with your source

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I think that Hydra is a total POS. joining a bunch of power cords together is a stupid idea. Digital devices dump their noise into the ground, now the analog stuff gets more digital noise to deal with.
In any country: Japan, USA, Canada, most of Europe that whole idea would be laughed at.
I’d suggest the small AudioQuest Niagra 1200, then a bunch of good power cords. Like the AudioQuest Thunder.


The Hydra is excellent with star earthed Naim equipment.

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If the whole point of a Hydra is to maintain star earthing, a Powerline on one box breaks that, so I’m not sure combining the two is worthwhile.

One need a star earthed mains block to maintain star earthing.

I’d be going for a good quality power strip and power lines on your boxes. Keep an eye on the s/h market if you don’t want to buy new. They show up regularly.

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A Hydra really is all that’s needed, but it should only be used with Naim ‘bowes’ and ideally all the sockets should be used.

I would connect your best cable to the unit requiring the most current, this would on paper be your 250. As others have suggested, the best way is to ultimately listen and decide as no one else has your specific set up, room etc.

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