
OK, you may be rright, I have one on my SMPS power strip, but its been a while since I wired it, memory fades
Whatever, I really don’t approve of the riveted links, I was very disapointed with them, but its only powering 3x SMPS’s, a bit of damp string will handle that current.

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Is it OK to solder mains cable?

no , solder is soft metal in fault conditions, all wires need mechanical fastning ie so solder to pcb needs wire lugs (which has crimp and solder cup), and stranded wire lose mechanical properties all industry standards dont allow it.

It refers to the equipment fuse orientation.


Hi Mike
I do agree and see your point but mechanical coupling is the only safe and legal way to do it.
I’d have preferred solid single piece pins like the MK.
I only seen those as an idea for thicker cable but the MK Plugs I like and have the best full wire clamping and no pin point pinching.

I’ve used these plugs after seeing that Chord use them on some of their cables.

They are particularly good for larger diameter cables, taking 4.0 mm2 very easily.

Like Skeptikal, I like the way the terminals clamp down on the copper conductor.

When I’ve used Furutech plugs, I have used a U Spade crimped connector in the terminal clamp and that also makes a good contact.


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I use Furutech FI-1363-N1 with my H07RN-F 4mm/2 3 core. Its OD is 13.7mm.
Its wire connection type is screw clamp & design/engineering standards are exemplary.
See my previous post 171

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I’m glad we all have passion for doing things as safe and right as possible.
I’ve usually received rather negative comments about my tried and tested tweaks that definitely work for me and I like to think I know where the ears and common sense stops and ridiculous psychology and mind games set in.
All the little things add up it’s not always as simple as throwing huge amounts of cash at trends and fancy hype and packaging.
Maybe I’m nuts but I try to help with no malice. :roll_eyes: :+1:t2:

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Hi Mike
Having been made aware of the Furtech plugs you suggest I do think I prefer the structural integrity of them as opposed to the best ones I had noticed previously.
I’m grateful for your suggestion thank you.

I can’t believe that I am posting this.

But, fresh from the success of moving my speakers around, I was looking for the next free upgrade. So, having read this thread, I have been rooting around in my box of bits and somewhat to my surprise found 4 Bussmann 13A fuses. Not only that but they look like the pictures of the genuine ones. All good so far.

But then I was assailed by doubt. How old are they? Does it matter? Do they only deteriorate though usage or are they now only fit for the HiFi scrapheap? Or should I just throw caution to the winds and blow a few £k on some proper fuses?

Please put me out of my msisery.

My only thought that made me buy new at the same time was they are the same age and never been used.
If in future I change a box I’ll transfer the fuse too.
Yours may be different ages or previously “ stressed “
Piece of mind costs pennies and consistency is king. :+1:t2:

Clean the ends up and away you go.


In industry they’d use bootlace ferrules.

That would be simple option when wiring a plug.

Not expensive, even with the cost of a crimping tool.


Thank you Fatcat.
Every day is a school day.
Looks a good idea you’d think for the cost of a Powerline it would be worth fitting. :+1:t2:

I bought one of these recently from mcru……the one of the screws holding the clamping bar for the incoming cable was over tightened at the factory. The screw head deformed, i had to send it back and got a refund……
no quibbling from mcru. My overall impression was this as not a great quality plug. Think I will try a furutech next time?

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Thanks for info Gazza and well worth looking at the Furutech FI-1363-N1 that Mike - B suggested.
Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks. They are all from the same carton and unused. I will give them a try.

At the very least I am sure my confirmation bias will make sure that they make the system sound better. :slightly_smiling_face:


I have a Furutech socket on my Lapp radial and a Furutech FI-1363 (G) UK mains plug on my Graham’s 4-headed Hydra.

They are very well made items and the plug is clamped very firmly in the socket.

Crimping is the best connection method. It’s gas tight and if done properly will be good for pretty much ever.

Happy not having to worry about fuses in my power cables

Makes sense given we’re on the other side of the world and all :wink: