Preamp? NAP250DR


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I gave up waiting for a 272 replacement and eventually swapped mine for a Vega G2, used directly into active ATCs. To my ears that was a significant upgrade even with a XPSDR on the 272. G2 Vegas are available at a good price on the second hand market now, but to take full advantage of the excellent built-in class A preamp, it’s necessary to use the balanced XLR output.


Look like a nice one.
But that would mean loosing the simple and nice Naim multi room if I got it right.
If I can, I will stay Naim.
At least for a while :wink:

On visual grounds, a 272 would be a good choice for matching other Naim boxes, but to my ears the Vega wins on SQ.

Interestingly, admittedly relying on my very fallible audio memory, the New Classic boxes have moved rather closer in sound presentation to the Auralic. But a 222 plus cables to use it with a 250DR is not cheap and still not a perfect visual match.


FWIW, I think many would say that a 272 is an excellent pre-amp that is still competitive today and not far from a 282…

Plus a streamer that is less than modern, and rather less good than the preamp.

Otoh, there seem to be lots of great bargain 272s atm.


I fully agree. That would be a much more longer term plan for me.

Yes, its a really a good buyer time for the 272, many on the market at good price.

Since I’m tired of all the little draw back the of old plateform (connection drop, bubbleUpnp with streamer getting confused with Quobuz and Tidal Connect, etc), I’m really seduced by the idea of the 2 box’s setup with Atom HE to avoid getting another box with a ND5X2.
Did not heard it yet (the Atom HE), but there is one one the market now. I’m keeping an eye on it, if I should do the move now or next years. Meanwhile it’s cooking and price might be more flexible after a few weeks. :wink:

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@garcon compared at home the Atom HE vs 222. The difference was minimal for him.


Should we reopen debate on the merits of:-

Atom HE/250DR
Nova PE


@NickofWimbledon Have you just invested heavily in the popcorn futures market?


Just be glad I didn’t ask which interconnect and power cables to use with each of those choices.


I responded to that post of the OP. Oh God ! No other comparisons you mentioned. Or with and without boutique Ethernet cables, with a Graham hydra or Chord M6, …etc
So your list X 4 combinations. :joy:


Below, these are the setup I have in mind.
I need to do a more serious listening session when back from vacations, but at this time the SU with 250 DR through the D2R seems a little too bright to my taste even though there are obvious improvements in general. But my power is not coming the proper way. I have a SuperWiremold Deep-Cryo 9 Outlet Power Strip that I can’t plug in my in-floor A/C outlet. The hole is too thight for the plug. So I have a cheap extension in the line up :frowning:
I will try to get a single socket (maybe Furutech rhodium) A/C.
Then play with speaker positioning and also test with my Kudos X2 for comparison.
Long story short, many fun test before taking a decision. :slight_smile:

No.1- Atom HE/250DR
No.2a- ND5X2/SN3
No.2b- Nova


You are likely not going to have a big success in removing the brightness from the D2Rs with neither of the combinations you have mentioned, what you should be aiming at imo is feeding them with better source and/or preamp.

When I had my D2Rs fed by a dac-v1 and SN2 I constantly thought there was something I felt was not right with these speakers, and the first upgrade that I did was to add a separate preamp to the SN2, that singlehandedly removed any small brightness that I was experiencing previously and the brightness was instantly transformed to clarity. You can also try to play with speaker positioning, for an instance I removed the toe in and now my D2Rs are firing straight, despite of manufacturer recomendation, I find them in my nearfield setup to sound better this way.

Now after a few more upgrades that I did, I find the D2Rs to be most probably my end game speaker, they are that good.


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing your experience with the D2R. I definitely can learn more on those ProAc.

When I first heard those speakers in my room, I was stunt how much of improvement they were compared to the P3ESR (nothing against the Harbeth, but they were no fit in my new much bigger room).
Level of details, bass, image. I heard details in sound like I never heard before. But I also quickly realized they were more subject to fine positioning and pairing.

Box numbers for me is something I don’t have a lot of flexibility. If nothing work out I will then look for another speaker experience. Floor stands? PMC? Who knows! :slight_smile:



At this point I could rename the post as « When the babies arrive and the room is not ready… »

Things moved faster then planed!
I just received my Atom HE, another nice second hand opportunity. I told myself, if the stars align themselves, then no need to wait I loose hearing sensibility. :slight_smile:

No real place to sit him (like the NAP) and no cable to plug it yet. I called my Naim dealer, he’s now cooking a Linn Silver class RCA-XLR câble for the end of the week
I never had a Linn cable before and obviously since it’s custom, it’s a blind buy. Hopefully it will »fit » SQ wise.

I could had ordered a custom Chord Swanline for about the same price but it was 3 weeks delay. (I live in Canada)

So now it’s not a mullet system that I have, it’s a Frankenstein! :melting_face:. I took my RCA from my Rega to connect the Atom HE in the SU on analogue then it goes to the NAP with XLR. Considering the situation I’m not wasting time on listening session. At least I hear a sound. :). It’s not bad. But it doesn’t seems balanced. Bass is more present but not on his spot.
After the cable, next step will be a rack or other setup for these 2 boxes, and obviously start enjoying music :grin:

Patience I need, :slight_smile:

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