Price increases

think this is just electronics, or everything across the board? I need some new Fraim shelves, so now may be the time…

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Quite. If these sudden (and I say this as they seem to be out of step to the usual April timing) rises are ‘justified’ due to a reaction to increased shipping costs, then can we expect a readjustment when things are no doubt stabilised again and/or there’s the next shipping demand drop off per the BBC article I linked to earlier……:thinking: Of course not.
I have never seen a Naim price list decrease. Nor many other manufacturers products, to be fair.

A temporary fluctuation in costs such as shipping you would hope could be absorbed for a period of time without having to trigger a price increase passed on to the customers….Perhaps margins are indeed closer to the line than we would hope.


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Indeed! And that means I’ll need to get approval from my financial controller :confused:. She wont be happy.


The Fraim base is already an astronomical £999. This may be the time when it breaches the psychological £1,000.

your side table idea looks better and better all the time

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You need to explain that this is a SAVING vs the increased (new) cost.

Personally… I would tell you to wait until you can an NPX300 pre-loved… :crazy_face:

I think Naim have reduced prices in the past to be fair….though not as often as we would like?

Chord reduced prices on many of their products last year so it’s not unheard of that prices go down.


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Chord? What products did they lower the prices on?:thinking:

Hugo TT2 and M-scaler for starters. TT2 by about £1000 IIRC

Ok, Chord Electronics, that explains it.

I’m sorry you think it’s sad that I think it’s wrong that the world’s wealthiest (1%) have nearly twice the wealth of the rest of the world combined. Maybe we should have a party to celebrate and let’s make it a black tie event and invite all those conspiracy theorists,

Should be a hoot.


That’s totally right, and it’s an absolute outrage. I think we we at cross purposes earlier.

Respect for different opinions but above all respect for the people who express the opinions should be a matter of course for everyone, but apparently not, not even on our own forum. Some members should take a good look at how they behave towards others, I think.


No sorry we’re not at cross purposes and I don’t need you “on my side” You for some strange reason you always seem to want to contradict most of my posts. You just can’t help yourself.


A life spent with commercial shipping.

It is difficult to estimate the container traffic through the Red Sea as many will switch off their ais transponders making identification difficult for would be attackers. There seems to be a good flow of bulk cargo vessels though.

My afternoon walk took me past this beast moored at Felixstowe. I am no naval architect but think the vessel and its capacity designed for specific routings if fully freighted. Lesser payloads might be necessary on routes other than Red Sea so increasing container unit costs.

Expanding the ais horizon from Cape Town there is an obvious presence in the far east to Europe trade. ONE(Japanese conglomerate) part of which was NYK and it was their car carrier the Houthis impounded.
But that is the only major carrier I can spot within the time window.

Many vessels and cargos will be insured with Lloyds of London,this in my experience, might well be where any initial prices rises might start.


I initially read this as Richard had been shooting up.:face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye:

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It’s Naim’s forum not ours, much as we might like to think otherwise. We provide the content but are very much guests.


Sure, but that wasn’t exactly the point, which I assume you understand…

I’m not averse to a bit of friction here every now and then once there is no bullying involved.

This thread seems fair enough to me, people are allowed take and express umbrage occasionally
